• The Order Of The Quarter

    By McKenzie Levi, Crusader Knight

    Disclaimer:  Do not attempt to do this.  I am a trained and unusually experienced public safety specialist, fighter, and performance artist.  I was a former resident and strip club manager in the French Quarter.  I am also wearing armor, carrying a sword, and protected by God. 

    As the disclaimer indicates, I am a former resident of the New Orleans French Quarter.  I lived at 516 Governor Nicholls Street in the top floor of a barely finished loft apartment while I was an actor and a manager at three infamous strip clubs in The Quarter.  For now, I’ll skip over my incredible experiences living there and pick up some years later in October 2023 when I visited New Orleans on a trip with two members of my Cleveland, Ohio based historical fencing club.  I dubbed the group the “Lake Erie Sword Lords” and set us up with an apartment in the Quarter, a practice with the New Orleans sword club, some video shoots, and an in-depth tour of the place.

                  As I toured them around the Quarter, I noticed more blight than usual.  There was now graffiti on some of the walls of closed down store fronts.  I hadn’t seen graffiti when I lived there and I was shocked that anyone would damage the preserved French Quarter buildings.  We walked along and I noticed more vagrancy than I had ever seen there.  I saw open hard drug use.  My friends saw just people as we walked down Bourbon Street but I saw that many of these people were prostitutes walking with their pimps.  At night, heavy bass from drug dealer’s cars shook the Creole townhouses as they crept down the quiet streets.  One night on Decatur St., I walked by a solemn circle of crying restaurant workers as an ambulance with flashing lights quietly pulled away.  Someone had died.

    Before I left town on that trip, I stopped at Rouses grocery store where outside I took interest in a 1920’s reenactor woman who was typing poems for tourists on her antique typewriter.  I paid for a poem and she wrote an inspirational one about my armor and me perhaps being there to save the sinful city. 

    When I returned back to my current domain on Lake Erie, I called the office of the New Orleans City Councilor in charge of the French Quarter.  I shared my observations with his assistant who apologized for the condition of the Quarter.  I briefly explained my background as a public safety personality in Ohio and Northern California and offered to come and perform some public safety rounds in there in the spring.  The assistant accepted my offer saying they would be glad for any assistance.

    In March 2024, I arrived in the French Quarter on my new public safety mission.  I checked into the Chateau Hotel and marveled at the courtyard.  My room was floor level and basic but large enough to accommodate all my armor.  I had driven from Ohio in full maille so after fastening on my sword, I immediately set out onto the streets of the Quarter.  My first destination was to be Verdi Marte, a small but well known grocery store and restaurant on Governor Nicholls and Royal St with a cheap atm.  I walked on Chartres Street and as I neared Governor Nicholls Street, I heard insane, demonic sounding screaming.  I gripped my sword in the sheathe and crouched into my stalk walk as I neared the screaming.  “Would I really be fighting a demon?” I wondered.  As I turned the corner, I saw the source of the wicked sounds which was just a person.  This person was bald and skinny like a little golem.  Every muscle of the golem person clenched as it screeched at a large group of tourists on a ghost tour.  “Get the fuck out of here!  Leave me alone!” it yelled at them.  I stood on the corner until it noticed me.  “YOU get the fuck out of here you gothic fuck!” it yelled at me.  I stood for a moment then casually walked a few paces away and out of it’s sight while still watching to make sure it wasn’t actually going to attack the tourists.  

    A few moments later, it was still screaming.  I had had enough so I walked to the spot directly across the street and boomed over.  “Why don’t you shut the fuck up?” 

    “Fuck you” it spat.  “Get the fuck out of here!”

    “You get the fuck out of here.” I spat back.  Another street person appeared in front of me.  He was a man about forty.

    “Hey what the fuck man?” he said.

    “What is that?” I asked back while motioning to the golem’s tantrum.

    “Aren’t you from around here man?  Everybody knows her.  She’s schizophrenic.”

    “Well it is unacceptable for her to be having a schizophrenic episode on the street in front of tourists.” I explained with authority. 

    “It has to be acceptable!” he stammered.

    “It is not acceptable.  If you’re going to be a character around here, you better be a good one.” I shouted over to the golem person as I walked away.

    “I’m not a fucking character.” the guy said.

    “No shit, junkie.” I said back as I walked past the gawking ghost tour group and to Verdi Marte.  There was no more screaming behind me.

    Inside Verdi Marte, I used the atm then asked the counter lady about the screaming bald person.  She responded that everyone knew “Becca” and many liked her but that she actually is a schizophrenic and acted out like that often down here.  I mentioned my encounter and how I felt bad now after confirming that she was mentally ill. 

    “What attracts her to this area?” I asked.

    “Ghosts maybe.” laughed the counter lady.

    “Well if she wants to be left alone, this is a bad place for it.  It’s like a stage out there.” I said.

    “I think she wants the attention.” said the lady. 

    I thanked her and left out of the old wooden, metal, and glass doors then walked back over to the spot where now Becca and the man were quietly sitting on the sidewalk.  I popped up from the street before they could notice me and threw a twenty dollar bill on the ground.  “Here’s some money.  I’m sorry about the way I spoke to you before.” I said quickly.  “Do you forgive me?” I asked.

    “Yes.” the man said eyeing the twenty.
    “Do you forgive me Becca?” I asked.  Becca would not look at me but nodded.

    “Thank you.  Have a good night.” I said as I walked away.  At the corner, I picked up a can of beer that I assumed Becca had emptied and threw it in the garbage can.

    I continued on, walking the streets of the Quarter with a new purpose.  I had always been coming here for fun but now my eyes professionally scanned the movements of the people around me looking for any trouble.  Lots of people asked me what I was doing and I responded that I was doing “Crusader public safety in the Quarter”.  I walked Bourbon, Royal, Chartres, Decatur, Canal, and even Frenchman Streets at the slow pace of a patrolman.  I’d stop at each corner and look around.  I took a couple breaks inside and on the patio of my favorite strip club where I used to work on Bourbon Street.  The girls who didn’t know me fawned over my armor.  I tipped each one a handfull of bills as they came up and tugged on my coif (maille hood).  One said she wanted to wear my armor on her naked body.  I tipped her a twenty.  A dancer who I used to date, saw me and scurried onto the elevator and stayed upstairs until I left.

    I walked the Quarter one more time then went to Verdi Marte for more money and a po boy and fries to eat back in my room.  On the way, I asked some vagrants laying on the outside of the Lalaurie mansion why they weren’t afraid of the spirits that supposedly curse anybody who touches the doorstep of the infamous ghost house.  “It’s the person that attracts the spirits.  We’re fine.” one vagrant said.

    In the morning, the Quarter streets were refreshed by the sun and dripping water from balcony flower boxes. Stepping out from my hotel, I could smell the spicey aroma of crawfish boils mixed with the soapy cleaner they use to wash the streets.  Tourists walked happily and the mules hauling carts clopped by me wearing my white surcoat and sparkling maille and nasal helm.  Every person nodded as though they knew why I was there.  A mule cart driver loudly informed his tour group that I was “French Quarter security” as they took photographs of me.  I walked to Jackson Square where I found an artist friend of mine painting a piece in his New Orleans street style.  I had seen him during each of my latest trips and always enjoyed a unique conversation and perspective from him.  Today I told him of my public safety project and he spoke about the elusive concept of “order” and suggested some of the things I might do on my mission.  “You could break up fights.” he suggested. 

    I walked to and down Bourbon Street which already had tourists milling about on the sidewalks and even some in the bars.  As I reached Canal Street, I noticed some kind of commotion a block away at Royal Street.  I could see people on the ground and then I noticed blood stained jeans.  I hadn’t heard the shots but I could tell someone had been shot before I arrived.  I got closer and could see an older man with a white mustache attending to a young guy on the ground.  Police SUVs and an ambulance pulled in as a crowd gathered.  A man on a mobility scooter with a microphone and speaker began to preach to the scene.  I stood next to him and he thanked me for being there with him.  I walked closer to the scene where a few police officers secured the area with tape.  The victim gave a thumbs up to onlookers as he was loaded and taken away in an ambulance.  Groups of tourists and locals in began to pile up on the sidewalk.  Since the police were busy, I directed the concerned passerbys around the investigation and offered a light explanation: “There was an accident.” 

    The mustached man who had been helping the victim had spoken to the police and was now standing alone, so I approached him and asked what had happened.  He said one group of teenagers in a car got into an argument with another group of teenagers standing on the corner and then the ones in the car got out with long guns and shot one guy in the legs as he ran away.  The mustached man had then helped the victim and used his own belt to apply a tourniquet.

    I thanked him and asked “Do you think it was random?” 

    He thought about it.  “No, because that gang of teenagers hangs out here everyday.”  he said.

    As we spoke, a news reporter and his camera man arrived next to us.  “You have to talk to the news.”  I said to the man with the mustache.  “The people should know what happened.”

    “I don’t know.” he wavered.

    “You saved that guy.” I said. 

    “I’m no hero.” the mustached man quickly snapped.

    “Well you did save him and he left here alive and awake because you helped him, so you are a hero.  But still, you need to tell the people what happened or they’ll just hear it was another shooting down here, you know.” I said.  “Will you do it?”

    “Yes.” He relented. 

    I informed the news reporter that the mustached man had been a witness and saved the young man’s life and that he was willing to do an interview.  The reporter was gracious and immediately began to interview the mustached man.  While the police investigated, I directed more tourists around the scene and calmed a few stunned passerbys. 

    “Is this a movie set?” Some would ask.

    “No, it’s your authentic New Orleans experience.” I jested to lighten the mood.

    A local man with a dress shirt, black slacks, and a backpack obviously on his way to work at some restaurant stopped and pulled his ear buds out.  “Oh man, what the hell.  There’s always something going down on this corner.” He complained.

    “Yeah, I’m working on it.” I said as I eyed up the group of teenagers lingering a few buildings away.

    “What happened?” he asked.  I told him what I had heard from the mustached man.  “Fucking teenagers.  It’s always teenagers.”  he said.  Still, the information seemed to settle him a bit before he walked on to work.  Another newscaster woman and her camera man arrived so I directed them to the mustached man for another interview.  More tourists flowed in and out of the scene.  I calmly explained what had happened and expressed that the young victim left the scene alive and conscious. 

    A couple of young female cops took pictures, collected the bullet casings, and poured sand over the blood on the sidewalk.  The uniformed officers then rolled up their tape and pulled off in their SUV’s as tourists, locals, adults, and children all returned to their regular walking route through the crime scene with some even obliviously walking through the bloody sand.  I talked to the mustached man some more about crime on that corner and gave him a twenty which he took stubbornly and said again:  “I’m no hero.”  I lingered there for another thirty minutes to show that this corner was being watched now. 

    As I walked back into the Quarter on Royal Street, I passed a couple Orleans County Sheriff’s Deputies who were outside the always troubled convenience store there.  When I reached the corner of Iberville Street, I noticed a small crowd gathered around two men fighting with one man on top of the other.  I darted towards the scene but then caught myself.  I was there to get involved but not too involved.  If I got physical, I’d have to go to court and maybe even jail.  I considered how I would at least have an enemy in the man I would have to restrain or hurt to stop the fight, so instead I ran back to the convenience store where the Sheriffs were.  “There’s a fight.  I need help.” I said to the Sheriff’s Deputy who saw me run up.  With him and another deputy in tow, I ran back to the fight.  “Hey, stop!” we yelled at the fighters.  The man on top jumped up and sprinted away up Iberville St. as he heard and felt our footsteps and shouts.  The Sheriff’s Deputy helped the wounded man to his feet.  His nose was bloody and as I looked down I noticed his bloody jeans and drops of blood on the brick sidewalk.  He said he was attacked because he wouldn’t give the other guy a cigarette.  The Sheriff asked him if he needed anything.

    “A sprite.” answered the injured man. 

    “I got it.  You can stay with him.” I said and I went around the corner to the convenience store.  I returned to the scene where the deputies were taking down the injured man’s information and I gave the guy his sprite.  “If you guys are all set,” I said to the Sheriff’s Deputies, “I’m going to walk on.”  They said they were so I did.

    I took a nap in my armor by the pool in the courtyard of my hotel then I walked back up to Canal and Royal Street where I saw the group of teenagers from earlier were posted back up in the spot where their friend had been shot earlier.  I walked towards them intending to ask them why they weren’t nervous about hanging out at this corner.  As soon as I walked towards them, they broke apart and hustled away.  I walked towards one who took off in a full sprint.  I considered that now I was in danger since I was hindering their ability to territorialize that block but at least they weren’t on the corner anymore. 

    That night I spent like the previous, walking the Quarter and checking the hot spots for any dangerous activity, even the corner at Royal and Canal.  I attempted to take my break inside my favorite strip club again but this time I was blocked from entering as the manager solemnly informed me that the dancer I used to date didn’t want me in there anymore.

    Instead, I walked to the Lower Decatur area where I stopped and talked with some New Orleans specific vagrants known as “Gutterpunks” that can always be found sitting on the ground there.  Like the other vagrants I encountered, they were surprised I was interacting with them.  “Nobody ever talks to us.”  said one with a skateboard who wanted a picture with me.  I gave one girl some weed which she immediately prepared in a rolling paper for them all. 

    I walked around the block where I passed two middle aged women suffering from the obscene drunkenness that regular people only experience in the French Quarter.  They giggled at my attire and asked if I would be their knight in shining armor as they stumbled across the street.

    “I am at your service.” I said.  The drunk ladies laughed again and I walked on, looping the block again.  When I came back around, one of the drunk ladies was laying on her back on the sidewalk.

    “Oh, it’s the knight!  Thank God.  Please help.” The standing one pleaded.  “Seriously.  I can’t get her up and we need to get into our hotel room.  Can you carry her?” She hesitated.  “I mean, is that a service you offer?”

    “Yes, I can help.” I said as I reached my hand down to her friend.

    “Knight guy, it’s you…” whirred the drunken woman on the ground.  “I can’t get up.”

    “I can’t get her up.” the friend panicked.

    “It’s ok.  Are you ready to get up?” I asked the one on the ground gently as she took my hand.

    “Yes knight man.  Pick me up.” she said.  I picked her up fairly easily then bore her weight as we entered the gate into the Provincial Hotel.  I carried her up a big flight, down a small flight, then up another small flight of stairs to their room overlooking another incredible courtyard.  The standing one pushed her drunk friend inside their room and handed me a fifty dollar bill.

    “No lady.  I am not doing this for money.” I explained as I tried to give it back.  She pushed it to my chest and insisted.  I insisted back that I would give it away which she said didn’t mind as long as I didn’t spend it on fentanyl.  I laughed.  The air sparkled with her intoxication as we stood outside on the balcony. 

    “I am a married woman with children...” she confessed.

    “And I am a good knight who shall bid you the same…  Good night lady.” I turned and quickly left down the small flight, up the small flight, then down the big flights of stairs.  The hotel concierge opened the gate with a button for me as I went back out onto the streets.

    It was late so back on Bourbon Street, things were quiet.  A young man, who was enamored with my attire and mission, spoke to me for nearly an hour as we walked and sat on a few stoops.  I didn’t mind since I was out and that’s where I needed to be.  God always puts me where I’m supposed to be.  Before retiring to my hotel, I stopped at Verdi Marte for food and another atm visit. 

                 The next day, I came upon some Sheriffs Deputies who were leaning on a metal barricade on Royal Street outside of Rouses grocery store where people gather to watch street musicians perform.  I conversed with the Deputies for a bit and one of them asked if I was the guy who stopped a stabbing the previous day.  I said no but he insisted it was a guy dressed as a knight.  “I helped break up a fight with your guys yesterday.” I said.

    “On Iberville.  Yeah, that guy got stabbed.” explained the officer.  I said that I had seen a lot of blood so that made sense.  I asked them what they planned to do with that corner at Royal and Canal Street.  He said there would be a satellite police station going in there and that they already had the Sheriffs on patrol on Royal Street from Noon to Midnight.  With that street under watch, I decided to focus my day patrols on Chartres and Bourbon Streets. 

    That day, patrol was easy with only one incident occurring on Bourbon Street at about 5 pm.  A drunk, shirtless, and muscular guy wandered back and forth across the street antagonizing anyone who would look at him.  He smacked a drink out of a man’s hand.  “Do something!” he shouted at him or anyone willing to fight.  I watched from a careful distance, close enough to intervene but outside of the man’s rage range.  No one would fight him so he continued on down Bourbon Street where he rammed into an older lady with a cane.  She held her cane up to keep him at bay.  I stepped in between her and the raging man, and lowered her cane down. 

    “No lady, you are brave but I will take care of this.”  I said as I ushered her the other way.  The raging man looked at me and steamed.  He turned around and continued to stomp down the street with his fists clenched while I continued to track him from about twenty paces away.  I tucked myself into the entrances of the buildings as he spun around to look for me.  “You looking at me!”  He shouted at another regular guy walking with a friend. 

    “No.”  said the guy.  The raging man’s attention was diverted as I now stepped out of an alcove. 

    “Fuck you.”  said the raging man as he stormed off.  I tracked him down Bourbon Street until he reached Canal Street and left the Quarter.  I walked back down Bourbon Street where a tourist stopped me.  “Were you ready to fight that guy?”  He asked with reverence.

    “Yeah, but I didn’t want to.  Did you see how big he was?  I just tracked him until he left the Quarter.”  I said. 

    “Bro, that’s awesome.  Thank you.” He responded. 

    That was the last violent encounter that occurred during the week of The Order Of The Quarter but I was far from done cleaning the place up and having a good time.

    I walked along and met a pretty climate change activist girl who was there with a group signing people up for something or another.  We talked about the Quarter and I told her about geoengineering and the chemtrails which were behind the extreme weather and visible in the sky that day. 

    A lady artist behind the Cathedral purred at me as I walked by.  I checked out her cemetery sketches which she had hung one the fence as she checked out my armor. 

    Later, I saw the mustached man who had saved the gun shot victim, sitting on a stoop on St. Peter Street.  He was drinking a beer and cat-calling pretty tourist women that walked by which made me laugh because it was old fashioned and light-hearted.  I reported to him about the police station going in at the corner of Royal and Canal which made him happy. 

    That night I went to sword practice with the local historical fencing club at their spot on the Marina in Bucktown.  Before I left the Quarter, I patrolled slowly through the streets with my Jeep and all was well.  At the Marina, the air was cold but the sword fighting was excellent. 

    I returned to the Quarter and went out to eat before starting my walking shift.  On my way, I noticed a young women holding a sign outside of Rouses asking for anything.  “How’s it going?”  I said casually as I leaned up next to her.  “I’m going out to eat at the Gumbo Shop over there.  Do you want me to bring you an order when I come back out?”  I asked her.  She nodded.  I went to dinner by myself where I was seated immediately at a tucked away table.  A young couple from New Jersey sat next to me and in spite of my brooding and private seat, couldn’t resist asking me about my attire and experiences in the Quarter.  The man marveled and the wife listened politely as I talked between bites of gumbo sopped bread. 

    When I went back outside, the woman with the sign was gone so I walked to lower Decatur where the gutterpunks hang out and gave the gumbo order to them.  I then went out my patrol walk through the Quarter until late.  That night, the Quarter was safe and the walk was easy.  Ethereal synthesizers and singing from a musician tickled the air and I thought about dying and walking through a heavenly version of The Quarter.   At the end of the night, I stopped at Verdi Marte again where I met the man whose music had been my soundtrack that night.  I complimented him on bringing some interesting style to the Quarter and asked him if I could use his music for my actual documentary soundtrack. 

     In the morning, I found a guy sitting on Decatur Street, holding a sign asking for anything and I hired him to shoot some interview footage of me.  After that, I walked to Jackson Square where I found my artist friend personalizing and numbering a painting of a mule cart he had just finished.  We talked about my experiences over the previous days and he offered me more advice and unique conversation.  It occurred to me that I had seen him many times, yet I did not own one of his paintings and that he too was a French Quarter personality who deserved my support.  I eyed another finished piece depicting a mule cart which was hanging on the iron fence directly in front of me.  I bought it, conversed for a while longer then said goodbye.  I went to the other side of the Cathedral where the lady artist who had been purring at me was set up and I purchased one of her cemetery drawings.  I took the items to my hotel then walked down to the lower Decatur neighborhood where I found vagrants lining the short block on Governor Nicholls between Decatur and French Market Place and stopped to visit them.  I recognized all of them from my previous interactions; the skateboard guy, the sign girl that left, even Becca.  I said hi to them and mentioned to the sign girl that I did bring her food but she was gone and her friends got to eat it.  I slipped another ten to Becca as she got up to drag herself somewhere else.  “I found this.  You can have it.” I said.

                 I saw an author turned vagrant I had known when I lived there.  I was thrilled to see him still alive.  We talked for a bit and I gave him a twenty.  “I can really do something with this.”  He said as he got off the ground.  (*I gave away a lot of twenties during the Order of the Quarter project.  The people of the Quarter had taught me to be generous with my tips when I lived and worked there.  In the Quarter, real money seems fake anyways and like some game it seemed to solve the problem of vagrants wasting away on the sidewalk, at least temporarily.) 

                 Shortly after that, another vagrant leaning on a mailbox asked me for money.  I couldn’t turn him down or give him less since I had helped those other people so I opened my pouch, dug out another twenty, and forked it over. 

    “I thought no one could hear me.  I’ve been asking all day and no one would look at me.  Thank you.” he said graciously.

    I walked down French Market Place where I noticed a mess of clothes littering the sidewalk.  In the middle of the mess sat a man with long hair and just a jacket over his lap.  He was flipping out about something.  As I walked by, he revealed that he was naked under the jacket.  “I have no clothes.” he spazzed. 

    “Yeah right.” I thought sarcastically since I could see clothes all over the sidewalk and I walked on. 

    “Someone stole my clothes.” he shouted after me.  I turned around and walked back and stood before him.

    “You have no clothes?” I asked as I assessed the mess more closely.  It was various pieces of women’s clothes.  He pointed to a dress hanging on the garbage can in front of him.

    “That’s a five x.”  He pointed to a shirt on the ground.  “That’s a four x.  These are all women’s dresses and there are no pants.” he panted. 

    “Ok.  I will bring you clothes but I only have medieval clothes.” I said.  “Will you wear them?”

    “Yes.  Please.” he responded.

    “I will be back in ten minutes.” I said.  I bounded across the few blocks to my hotel where I gathered a fresh pair of braies (medieval underpants) and a tunic (long shirt) from my luggage.  I rolled them up and carried them back to the naked man.  He took them politely and now spoke with the tone of any other clothed and sane person as he extended his hand and gave me his name.  “Perhaps we can talk when I’m having a better day.” he said as we shook hands. 

    “That sounds good.” I said.  When I went by his spot later, he and the mess of clothes were gone. 

    I walked back up to Royal and Canal St. where I checked on the gang people hanging on the corner.  When I appeared, they walked off again but this time more slowly.  I could tell they were getting sick of me popping up there.  I walked up the block to Bourbon Street where another vagrant called me over.  “I need a pair of pants.  I can’t say why but I need fresh pants please.” he begged from the ground.  I knew telling him that I just gave away a pair to another guy would do him no good so I told him I’d be back with some pants for him.  I had no more spare medieval clothes so I went into the stores on Canal Street until I found a pair of cheap sweatpants.  I delivered them back to him and he beamed with appreciation.  “Let me read your palm for free.” he offered. 

    “Divination?  No thanks.” I responded. 

    “Hold up your hand.” he said and I did for one second.  “I got it.” he gloated.  His eyes widened.  “But we need to talk about this later.”  But like many of the others I had helped, I didn’t see him again. 

    On my last night of patrolling, I took a couple breaks in a more seedy looking establishment on Bourbon Street since my old club still wouldn’t let me in.  The girls at the new club were sweet and one who knew I wanted to have an old fashioned strip club experience latched on to me and treated me like an atm, withdrawing handfuls of singles from me every few minutes until I had to use the club’s actual and overpriced atm.  Finally, she led me to the bartender to change my twenties to singles so I could throw them on her from the second floor while she danced on the pole.

    “I need fifty singles please.” I requested to the bartender.

    “He needs a hundred.” the stripper corrected me. 

    “I need a hundred.” I concurred. 

    I went upstairs and dropped the pile on her.  The money trickled all over her, the stage, and floor so that the hospitality worker had to use a broom to sweep it all up.  I tipped all the other girls “for dressing up” and the doorman for watching my sword. 

    In the morning, I visited the atm at Verdi Marte for what seemed like the hundredth time and bought a couple little Hubigs pies to take home to my Mom.  Then I performed one more walk of the Quarter.  The crowds already filled Jackson Square as I arrived there and saw the 1920’s reenactor woman typing poems while her boyfriend juggled knives for a crowd behind her.  I shared my appreciation for her impeccable outfit and dedication to being a personality in the Quarter.  She approved of my vigilantism. 

    I bought a silver ring made from a spoon by a pretty woman selling them at a table.  I said goodbye to the activist girl and made sure her trip was fun.  I exchanged numbers with a local man who told me that my mission had made the Quarter a little bit better and suggested I come back again soon. 

    The Order Of The Quarter will return.

    *Names were changed or deliberately omitted to protect their reputations.  These characters are all still down there.

    **Update:  All the “teenagers” involved in the shooting above were found to be adults in their mid twenties.  The victim is alive and the shooters were arrested one week after the incident. 

    Photos by Chuck Ellezay

    Painting by Stuart South

    drawing by Taylor Chartrand

    photo by Chuck Sees.  Ring by Maranda Davis.  


    Courtyard at the Chateau Hotel





                                                                                            McKenzie Levie



Autumn mist hovers above the bare and dry foothills surrounding the grey walled medieval CITY of CLERMONT, FRANCE in which there stands a CATHEDRAL and a FIELD behind it.  There are noises of WOODWORKING coming from the field as CARPENTERS labor there sawing and chiseling wood.  The lead carpenter, MEDERIC, who is tall, in his 30’s with long hair and a beard, picks up a finished beam.  He is built like a soldier but is wearing a carpenter’s HOOD with a long pipet tucked into his belt.  He carries the large beam of wood and sets it into place. He is building a STAGE.

TITLE CARD:  “Clermont, France.  November, 1095.”


         (off screen)

What are you building there husband, a new theatre?

Mederic looks to the familiar voice which is a woman, MELIEE, who is in her 20’s, who is beautiful and petite, yet rugged and dressed in a long tunic and mantle.  She walks towards him as he finishes setting a beam into place.


It’s not my theatre.  It’s the Pope’s.  I’m just building a platform.

Meliee steps playfully onto the partially constructed stage.


There’s murmurs he’s been all over Christendom using his platform to generate support for some new endeavor. 


That’s what Popes do. 


True.  I just came to make sure that my fervent husband doesn’t get carried away by his words. 


Carried away?  The Pope is not here to speak to me.  Do you think they need carpenters in Rome? 


Do you think he is here simply for church affairs?  It’s not just monks and bishops that have gathered in our city.  The iron men too, have come.


Meanwhile at the gate of the city, CHURCHMEN and PILGRIMS are arriving into the city and filling the streets outside the CATHEDRAL.  Also arriving on HORSES with waving BANNERS are FRENCH KNIGHTS armored in shimmering maille shirts, uncovered and cinched at the waist with sword belts.  Some wear conical nasal helms, others maille hoods, others just padded caps.  The gathering TOWNSPEOPLE admire them as heros. 


MEDERIC Continues working on the platform.


To see the Pope, woman.  They cannot all fit in the Cathedral.  You know that is why I’m building this stage.  Did you come just to pester me?


Yes.  But I have also heard of the Pope’s private dealings.  He has been in France for weeks recruiting for a new military endeavor.


He is not a King or Lord.  The Pope cannot call upon an army.


But he is Pope, the Lord is his Lord.  And you see, the princes of Christendom are already answering his call.

The Cathedral BELLS begin to RING.  Both Meliee and Mederic look up to the tower. 


The BELLS are still ringing but now some time has passed as both Meliee and Mederic are gone replaced by the completed STAGE canopied in gold fabric. 

Throngs of people now assemble around the empty stage.   CARDINALS in purple robes, followed by gold-chapped BISHOPS, and then the black robed MONKS.  Behind them stand PILGRIMS of France and Normandy, and Spain.  Behind them BARONS, KNIGHTS, and LAYMEN clad in armor, cloaks, and mantles.


MELIEE stands among the TOWNSPEOPLE on the outskirts. 

As the BELLS cease, the Cathedral door is opened and POPE (URBAN II) steps out. The Pope is 65, bearded and adorned in white with a heavy pallium over his shoulder.  He stands tall between two ATTENDANTS who wear all white garments and carry glittering crosses on high staffs. 

The CROWD stirs awaiting the Pope’s words. 

Meliee scans the crowd presumably for Mederic, who she does not see.

The Pope addresses the crowd.


Ye men of the Franks who live beyond the mountains!  God hath favored you in many ways, in your happy land as in your steadfast faith, and valor.


(to herself)

He speaks in the common language.


We wish you to know what grievous cause has brought us to your land and what need has led us not only to you but to all the faithful.  O sons of God, who have faithfully sustained the rights of the Holy Church most sincerely, there remains for you an urgent task which belongs to both you and God, in which you can show the strength of your good will.  For you must hasten to carry aid to your brethren in the East who need your help. 

Everyone in the crowd is visibly curious by the Pope’s ominous words. 


I have heard it many times.  From the borders of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople, ominous tidings have gone forth.  A barbarous people, estranged from God, has invaded the lands of the Christians in the East and has depopulated them by fire, steel, and ravage.

As the Pope speaks, the scenes he describes unfold in the minds of his audience.  They envision SCENES of an ENEMY ARMY, swarthy and war hungry, gathered in mass and attacking CHRISTIANS, who are fleeing in terror and being cut down. 


For the Turks are a pagan people and have attacked them and advanced far into Christian territory.  They have seized more of the lands of the Christians, and have already defeated them in seven times as many battles, brutally slaying some and capturing into slavery many others.  They  have destroyed churches, and have devastated the kingdom of God.  If it is not enough they have laid waste to the places consecrated by the miracles of our Lord and brutally attacked those pilgrims attempting to reach these places, know that if you allow them to continue much longer they will conquer God’s faithful people completely. Even now the Turks are torturing Christians, binding them and filling them with arrows.  What shall I say of the ravishing of women.  To speak of this is worse than to be silent.  Even more so, a time will come when you will see your wives violated and your children driven before you as slaves out of the land. 

The mood of the crowd rises with righteous anger.  Some laymen begin to spit aggressively at the ground while others grit their teeth and ball their fists.  Knights instinctively touch their swords causing them to rattle in their sheathes.


Wherefore with earnest prayer, I, not I, but God exhorts you as heralds of Christ to repeatedly urge men of all ranks whatsoever, knights as well as foot soldiers, rich and poor, to hasten to exterminate this vile threat from our lands and to aid the Christian inhabitants in time. 

Shouts of support now add to the growing energy of the assembly.

Meliee shows concern now as she scans the crowd for Mederic.  She continues to listen.


Let those who are accustomed to private war against their faithful neighbors now march against these infidels in a war which should begin now and be finished in victory.  Let those who have been robbers now be soldiers of Christ.  Let those who have fought against brothers and relatives now rightfully fight against barbarians. For all those going, there will be remission of sins if they come to the end of this life while marching by land or crossing the sea or in fighting the pagans.  This I grant to all who go through the power vested in me by God. 

Meliee continues to look through the crowd seeing hopeful faces of young LAYMEN enticed by the opportunity.


Let nothing delay those who are going to go.  Let them settle their affairs, collect money and when spring has come, Take up arms and go.   Valiant sons, fear not torture, for therein lies the crown of martyrdom.  It is better to fall in battle than to live to see the sorrow of your people and the desecration of your holy places.  Lo, I see before you, leading you to His war, the standard bearer who is Christ!

The Pope’s words hang in the air.  For a moment, no one can speak for they are so taken by the task laid out before them and both the legendary familiarity and foreignness of the places and peoples he has just described. 

A voice is heard among the crowd. 


(off screen)

I will answer the Lord’s call. 

There is movement in the group of BISHOPS as space forms around a massive, bearded Bishop with white hair who looks nearly 60, ADHEMAR the Bishop of Le Puy.  A path opens as he walks to the stage, steps up, and kneels before the POPE.


Should it please his Holiness and the Lord, I will undertake the armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem, suffering whatever hardships with gladness for the sake of God’s kingdom.  I pray you grant me command over this army of Christ.

The Pope nods and blesses Adhemar.  The two ATTENDANTS in white garments descend upon Adhemar like angels and fasten a RED CROSS to the Adhemar’s mantle.


Our well-beloved son Adhemar, Bishop of Puy, you shall be appointed head of this expedition.  Whosoever shall offer himself to go upon this journey, and shall make his vow to go, shall wear the sign of the cross on his breast. 


Another voice rises up.  Eyes turn to a maille and silk clad old KNIGHT, the Count RAYMOND of Toulouse, who is in his 50’s with a war scarred face, grey long hair and trim beard.


If God wills it, I too will join this army.

The Pope beckons Raymond to the stage.


God wills it.

Shouts of support now raise up from Raymond’s KNIGHTS.


God wills it! 


Meliee’s eyes desperately search for Mederic.  She begins to push through the moving crowd as more men begin shouting out that they are joining. 


God wills it!

The LAYMEN begin adding themselves to the army and pushing forward to get RED CROSSES.  As if planned, the KNIGHTS begin to corral them into orderly lines.  Meliee looks through them and sees the back of MEDERIC with his carpenter’s HOOD as he is walking away on the other side of the crowd.  Meliee pushes her way out of the crowd and purposefully walks down the empty city street after him. 


MELIEE hurries down the empty street after Mederic who has already disappeared.  She reaches a home then pushes in the door. 


MELIEE enters the dwelling, looking through the dark for Mederic.


Mederic?  Mederic?

A spark lights up a small wood stove.  MEDERIC is standing over it, now stoking the fire. 


I am here Meliee.

Meliee shows some relief.  A moment passes as the light from the fire illuminates the room. 


(breaking the silence) 

Well that was all quite a show.  Who knew the Pope was such a bard?

More silence.


Can you believe his grandiosity?  You heard his plans?  Mederic?


I heard what he said.




I am thinking of going with the army.  To Jerusalem.

She is crushed by his words. 


Mederic.  No.


You ask me if I heard what he said, and I ask have you?  As he told of our brethren in Christ suffering while we enjoy peace in France, only going to war against our neighbors.  Now finally I am called to fight for God.  How can I answer but yes that I will go?


Mederic please, you are not meant for the battle field.  Die a husband’s death in comfort with your wife rather than a bloody soldier on some foriegn land.


Do I not deserve the battlefield?  Is it truly your wish I should live and die in comfort while others suffer? 


You haven’t been in a battle since your youth.  You don’t even have a sword! 


There is more to war than swords.  Do you know what it takes to move such a force across such an expanse of varied terrain?  At each city, there will be sieges with implements needing to be constructed.

Tears form in Meliee’s eyes.  Her husband’s words continue to cut through her as she knows his decision is already made.


You speak as though you won’t be fighting, when it is more likely you will be marched into the heat of the battle. 


It is my intention to return to you and to France.  The property of those joining the army is sure to be protected.  And you, my wife. 

Meliee buries her face in her hands.  Mederic goes back to stoking the fire knowing he cannot console her. 

Meliee quickly rises up, struck by some idea.  She flips open the lid to a CHEST and pulls out SHEERS and RED FABRIC.  She cuts STRIPS and steps towards her husband.  With pins, she fastens two strips in the shape of a CROSS to the breast of his HOOD, steps back and turns around.  Mederic takes his eyes from her and looks at the new addition.  Tears of gratitude form in his eyes.


Meliee, I--

Meliee turns around showing that she too is now wearing a RED CROSS on her breast.


I’m going with you husband.


MELIEE leaves a conversation and walks through the GATEYARD passing KNIGHTS, FOOT SOLDIERS, and AMATEUR TROOPS and LAYPEOPLE assembling for departure.  All are wearing RED CROSSES.  Meliee too wears hers.

TITLE CARD:  “Clermont, France.  Eight Months Later”

Meliee passes TOWNSPEOPLE as they hold goblets of wine and honey up to the mounted knights.  The hammer of the smiths can be heard over the busel.  Merchant tables are set up with every type of item.  Weapons, shields, food, baskets, chests and canvas bags are all being packed, loaded and strapped onto HORSES and CARTS. 

Meliee continues through the yard and down the street reaching her and Mederic’s home. 


MELIEE enters and finds MEDERIC packing.  She notices a new SWORD in a sheath with a belt leaning against a SHIELD on the wall.


Our traveling unit is assembling in the gateyard.


I told you, you are not going with me.


For eight months you say this and yet you see I wear the same sign and have taken the same oaths.  I am a cross bearer, like you my husband.


It is too dangerous.  There are too many hardships to endure.  You see I have spent my entire earnings from the Cathedral on a new sword.


And what then will you be leaving your wife to live on?  You leave not even a son to protect me.  Is this why you leave me because we have not had children? 


Of course not.


You see entire families ready to depart on the sacred adventure, yet you find me unworthy of the holy pilgrimage?

MEDERIC does not answer but instead, finishes rolling his pack, opens the door and sets it outside.  Meliee follows him outside.


I am answering the Pope’s call to defend Chistendom with pure intentions.  I am leaving you here to care for our home.  Who else will watch it?


I have made arrangements with the neighbor who’s daughter who will take up our house with her new husband.

Meliee indicates a YOUNG COUPLE that is nearby and now watching them quarrel.  The YOUNG WOMAN is noticeably pregnant. 


MEDERIC storms back inside where he begins to affix his new sword belt around his waist.  MELIEE follows him in. 


Who will take care of you when you are sick in camp and make sure you are fed when returning from days at the siege?  Who will dress your wounds?  You haven’t even any armor!


I told you I have spent it all on this sword. 

Meliee once again hurries to a chest which she opens and from which she pulls and presents a thick, quilted GAMBESON jacket already emblazoned with a RED CROSS on the breast.  Mederic’s eyes widen at the useful and necessary piece of armor. 



Meliee spins around again, this time opening a cabinet and removing a small but hefty POUCH.  The sound of COINS rubbing together piques Mederic’s interest.  She holds the bag out to him but pulls it back as he grabs for it. 


I have saved it for the expedition.  Do you deny my usefulness as a companion?


Of course not.

Meliee ties the pouch around her belt then goes to the bed from beneath which she pulls a PACK.


Then trouble me no more about it.  You know there are many other women going.  Half the city will be emptying.  Half of Europe it seems.


A short time later MEDERIC is in the GATEYARD, wearing his new gambeson but still with his carpenter’s hood.  He stands packed and ready to march.  Beside him, also packed and wearing a cloak and pack is MELIEE. 

Others from the Pope’s address are present including ADHEMAR and RAYMOND.  Raymond nods to a KNIGHT.


We are moving out!

A HORN is sounded and the mounted KNIGHTS begin to ride out of the gate in columns.  TOWNSPEOPLE drift flower petals down onto their steel bound heads.  Behind them follow the FOOT SOLDIERS and behind them the MONKS, and LAYPEOPLE.  Mother’s kiss sons, wives weep as their husbands let go of their hand and say goodbye to children.  Those who stay lament while those who depart do so with secret gladness. 

Mederic and Meliee begin to walk in the line. 


Do you know by which way we go?


We march West where we shall meet the other armies of christendom gathered at Constantinople.  From there the Byzantine emperor shall then lead us into the holy land.


MEDERIC and MELIEE walk in  loose order with the other LAYPEOPLE.  With them walks ARTALD, a seasoned man in his 60’s, who leads a HORSE loaded with spears, shields, and canvas sacks.  Beside them, two brothers,  BERNARD, who is 18, and ODDO,who is 24.  Both are strong and handsome and clad in simple tunics.  They also wear thick padded hoods and carry light packs and spears.  Everyone is wearing a RED CROSS stitched to their breast. 


How far is it to Jerusalem?


Three thousand miles.


How many have we walked so far?


Perhaps one thousand.


Bernard, do not continue to pester these people with your impatience. 


I am longing for the holy city, brother.  I wish to see the walls set with jewels and its streets paved in gold.  There, where we can cast off our sins like dirty robes.


Brother, we know.


And how I long to protect the venerable places and those people suffering there from those accursed devils who do torment them.  I shall slay those devils and take one of their swords.  I have heard they carry ones with curves.


It will match the curved thing you already carry, brother.

Artald laughs and Mederic smiles beneath his hood at this joke.  Meliee laughs aloud which embarasses Mederic.  Bernard stops, finally gets the joke, then hurries back up to the group.


You shall see brother, when I become a knight in the army of Christ.  I will have my Jerusalem princess.

All laugh out loud at this, then quietly ponder as this too is their desire in some way or another.  Bernard takes interest in the old Artald. 


What about you old Artald?  What is it motivating you all these thousands of miles?  Do you not long for the holy city?


Aye, I have seen it.  And I long to see her safe. 

(Indicating his horse)

We are old, but we'll do what we can to assist the pilgrimage. Right now, we're looking forward to a few weeks rest in the camp outside Contantinople.


This has been an easy walk, old man.  They are dumping food and good wine upon us in these places as we pass.


All the more reason to rest at Constantinople before we enter into less hospitable territory.


Why would we stop at Constantinople?  This army marches directly for Jerusalem.  We are God’s army.


God’s army or not, our leaders are mortals.  They will surely delay with oaths and territorial disputes.  While they tarry this old man and horse can take a break from all the walking.


Artald begins singing a hymn. 

Artald’s voice carries on the wind and to the rear of the caravan where ADHEMAR and RAYMOND ride on HORSES in front of a well ordered contingent of armored KNIGHTS with spears held straight up and banners flapping in the wind. 


What do you think of the oath that will be offered by the Byzantine Emperor?  I see no reason to concede to his demands. 


Without his consent, we cannot cross the Bosphorus River on the other side of Constantinople.  We will need the support of the Emperor for supplies and troops as we enter into Anatolia.


We bring our own support.  This army cannot be beaten in the open field and now four other armies now march to join us.  The land is rich and has thus far provided all we could need and more. 


We know not what lies ahead Raymond.  We shall convene with the other armies.  The others may have already sworn this oath leaving us no other choice by which we can advance.


Who leads these armies?


Two armies, those of Hugh of Vermandois and Godfrey of Bouillon are encamped and quartered at Constantinople.  Two others follow behind us out of France.  It is reported that another force is being led out of Italy by a Prince Bohemond after he was inspired by cross bearing pilgrims he witnessed as they passed his army.  It is also reported that he has already passed through into Anatolia after pledging his allegiance to Emperor Alexis. 


Inside the ROYAL PALACE of CONSTANTINOPLE, surrounded by GUARDS sit assembled the Emperor, ALEXIUS COMNENUS, 50, bearded with dark hair, his daughter PRINCESS ANNA COMNENA, and the Byzantine General TACITUS, 50, who is wearing a gold prosthetic nose.  Anna is recording the events.

TITLE CARD:  “Constaninople.  November 1096.”


Another army of cross bearers has arrived Emperor.  They were seen adding to the encampments West of the city. 


Where are they from?


They are from France and are the original army assembled after the Pope’s address.  They have been led by the Bishop Adhemar.  It is he who has been given charge over the army and a Count Raymond.   They seek access to the city and the merchants. 


Send the merchants outside the walls.  Only five cross bearers are to enter the city at once if they wish to visit the churches inside.  And bring forth Adhemar and Raymond that they may swear on oath to return all conquered lands and cities to the Empire as will all swear to me before crossing the Bosphorus.  What of the other army?  What of these Frankish Baron and his brother?


They have continued to resist swearing your oath.  Our men were met with violence upon attempting to escort the Frankish brothers from their camp to the palace.

Staring back at the Emporer are the French warriors clad in maille armor and mantles with red crosses on the shoulders, two brothers, GODFREY, who is 40, tall with long blond hair and beard, and BALDWIN, 25,  a younger version with black hair.


Your foreign guards were met with violence after they killed members of a foraging party that departed from our camp.


Why do you forage when I offer you food for sale and a ferry to the asian shore?  Your resistance was in good time during the winter but now will you delay your troops and waste the warring season?  I am simply requesting an oath of your allegiance to me and the return of the lands that once belonged to the empire upon your conquering them.  Even your king’s brother, Hugh has sworn this oath to me. 


Of course, you sent him as your envoy to influence us into swearing lands to you.  He is your prisoner though he came to us like a man who had won some great thing and bidding me to do the same. 

Another man, HUGH OF VERMANDOIS, who is 45 and attired in French royal garments speaks up.


I am no prisoner Duke Godfrey.  We ought to have remained at home and not meddled in matters here but since we are here, we have sore need of the emperor’s friendship.  If we do not gain it, matters will go ill with us.


You left your country as a king, Hugh, with wealth and a strong following.  Now you have come down from that dignity like a slave.

Alexius stands up. 


Enough!  Were you not commanded by your Pope to aid this empire in returning those lands conquered by


ALEXIUS (Cont’d)

the Turks?  And now you act out against me when I am merely reenforcing the oath you have already sworn with the crosses upon your breasts?


And what of your oath to lead these armies yourself into the East?  Will you be even supplying a force of men?


I will not be crossing the Bosphorus river at this time.  I shall send my men later to aid your armies.  But as I said you must swear the oath that all lands and cities taken will be returned to me and the Empire.

Godfrey and Baldwin speak together away from the Emperor.


How can we swear this oath brother?  Are we to turn over Jerusalem to Byzantium?  Are we to sacrifice our men for the glory of the empire?


No, brother.  We were called by the Pope to aid our brethren in the East.  These are our brethren in the East. 


We were called to fight for Christ’s kingdom and expel the infidel from his sacred lands.  Will our sins be remiss if we die fighting as vassals for the empire?


We are not fighting for the empire brother but we are aiding it.  The other armies have taken the oath and in doing so have been given access to the lands we seek.  Without the oath, we will not be given passage.


We are well armed and equipped.  Can we not fight?


Against the men we came to aid?  This is not the time to expend men and supplies.  You have heard the emperor does not intend to enter into the Holy land.  Nor can we depend on his relief force in the future therefore we should not assume he is likely to collect on his oath when we take the territory we seek.  The oath does not change our mission but is necessary to advance it.   Though as honest Christians we sought to avoid this oath, we can take it in earnest relying on the Emperor’s unlikeliness to uphold his end.  I shall speak this oath and think no more of it for then we can then advance to Nicea and join the Normans in siege of the city.

Baldwin reluctantly succumbs to the decision.  Godfrey then addresses the Emperor.


Surely you mean to have us moved out before the other armies arrive thereby risking our armies uniting


GODFREY (Cont’d)

here at your gates.  If you will provide food and ferry, we will take the oath.

Anna quickly gets up and removes a DOCUMENT from her book and presents it to Godfrey.


Swear upon your cross.


MELIEE, MEDERIC, ARTALD, BERNARD, and ODDO arrive with the others in their army to the CAMP OUTSIDE CONSTANTINOPLE.  They are amazed at the size but then realize, to their dismay, the camp is being dismantled.  All sit down to rest as Meliee goes to speak to a man taking down a tent and returns to the group.


The camp is being dismantled.  Duke Godfrey has sworn an oath to the Emperor and has now been given permission to cross the river with his army.  They have already begun to ferry across.

RAYMOND and ADHEMAR ride up and address them all.


We shall remain here long enough to purchase provisions and then cross the River where we will then join the other armies.  A Christian host has already crossed into Anatolia where they are laying siege to the city of Nicea.  We depart in two days to join them.

Upon hearing the news, Bernard cheers while Artald grunts.


Days later, RAYMOND and ADHEMAR ride at the head of a column while passing skeletons with tattered clothes, some emblazoned with red cross.


Pilgrims that went ahead without the army.

They approach the walled city of NICEA next to a small LAKE.  They observe the FIELD before the city which is filled with CAMPS being assembled while some contingents of FOOT SOLDIERS are training.  KNIGHTS play with the excited HORSES underneath them.

TITLE CARD:  “Nicea.  May, 1097.” 



As RAYMOND and ADHEMAR approach the CHRISTIAN ENCAMPMENT outside the walls of the city, A hulking Knight, PRINCE BOHEMOND, who is 35 with black hair and beard rides with another younger knight, TANCRED, who is 30 and blonde, ahead of a small CONTINGENT OF KNIGHTS and approaches Raymond and Adhemar.


Count Raymond and Bishop Adhemar, I presume.  And your army.  I am Bohemond.  This is my nephew Tancred.


Yes, Bohemond.  What is the status of the siege?


The garrison is quartered inside with only a few thousand men but they are well supplied though we have blockaded the gates.  But your situation will soon turn dangerous as a scout has informed me that a large army of Turks trails yours.

At Bohemond’s words, an armored KNIGHT of Raymond’s army approaches and interjects.


Count Raymond, Bishop Adhemar.  The army is being attacked from behind.  A large force of turks has amassed and have begun to envelop us from the rear.


(to Adhemar)

They mean to destroy us before we can secure our encampment.

Raymond addresses the knight. 


Assemble the foot soldiers and send them to the rear of the caravan.  I will lead the knights to repel this attack. 


We shall assist you.

Bohemond nods to Tancred as they ride off with their men. 


Further back in the caravan, MEDERIC, MELIEE, ODDO, BERNARD, and ARTALD wait with the stopped caravan.  They hear the sound of BATTLE coming from behind them. 


What is happening?


Be patient brother.  We shall soon find out.

The KNIGHT dispatched by Raymond approaches and calls out before them and the others.


I need foot soldiers at the ready.  A large force is attacking the rear of our army.  Assemble on me now!

Bernard’s eyes widen at the opportunity for battle.  He drops his pack and runs towards the Knight with just his SPEAR.  Oddo unstraps two SHIELDS from Artald’s horse then joins behind Bernard, handing him the extra shield. 

Meliee looks at Mederic unsure of what he will do.


Stay with Artald. 

Mederic kisses Meliee’s forehead and pushes her toward Artald who nods back at Mederic.  Mederic unstraps a SHIELD from the horse and places it on his arm then draws his sword from his sheathe and steps forward into the quickly growing group of SOLDIERS.  Meliee watches as Mederic disappears behind the assembling bodies, spears and shields.  She catches a glimpse of his carpenter’s hood as the knight readies the men.


March to the rear.  Stay in formation.

Meliee watches as the group marches away.  Artald attempts to comfort her but instead she straps her pack onto the horse and chases after the soldiers.


I will be right back.

Meliee runs to the rear of the caravan where she continues to watch the men marching toward the battle. 


RAYMOND and ADHEMAR ride with a row of KNIGHTS.  Behind them and inside the formation of CHRISTIAN FOOT SOLDIERS, MEDERIC, ODDO and BERNARD march next to each other, five rows from the front.  As they march, a TURKISH ARCHER on horseback appears riding towards them on their flank. 

The Turk is clad in a light tunic and turban wrapped around his head and dark face.  He fires an arrow at the Christian soldiers and then rides off.  The arrow misses the soldiers.  Another TURKISH HORSE ARCHER appears, fires, and disappears.  His arrow sinks into the arm of a FOOT SOLDIER. 


Shields up!  Keep marching!

Another TURKISH ARCHER rides in and fires and then another TURKISH ARCHER follows him in the same way, sticking arrows in the Christian's SHIELDS.  Bernard cannot contain his excitement. 


Easy brother.  Keep composure in battle or you will find one of those arrows in you.


I have walked thousands of miles to slay these devils!

RAYMOND, now leading the men, calls out to them.


Shields!  Keep advancing!

The Christian foot soldiers continue to advance using their SHIELDS to cover them on all sides.  The swift archers suddenly stop as before them now stands an organized ARMY of TURKISH CALVARY.  For a moment the Christians observe their enemy, these men who they have traveled thousands of miles to fight.  The Turks are armored in gold lined maille, some wear pointed helms.  All carry round metal shields.  Some carry spears while others hold curved swords. 




Like a loosed arrow, the Christians Knights charge together.  The front rows of knights engage with the advancing Turks causing a loud smash and ensuing echo of shields, swords and spears hitting against each other. 

The Christians, in adrenalized fervor, quickly begin to overpower and cut down the Turks. 

Bernard, Oddo and Mederic advanc with the army but they are still four rows behind the engagement.  Bernard begins to push forward and is held back by Oddo.


Brother!  Hold your position.  Do not break formation.


There will be no devils left to slay!

At his words, thunderous charges of armored CHRISTIAN KNIGHTS ON HORSEBACK strike both flanks of the Turkish soldiers.  Through the spears and men, Bernard, Oddo, and Mederic witness the display of mounted knights mowing down the Turks.  The Turkish cavalry formation disintegrates as their men fall dead or as they flee the assault.  The men then witness the leader of the charge, BOHEMOND, as he turns his horse and his group of Knights around.  The knights make a final sweep of the remaining enemy, then chase the routed enemy soldiers, slaying them at each opportunity.  Bernard is eager to join in the pursuit, however, he is held back by Oddo. 


A while later, MELIEE and ARTALD sit at a well assembled CAMPSITE in front of a fire with a steaming pot on it when they hear the victorious SHOUTS of the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS as they reach the camp.  Meliee looks expectantly at the group of FOOT SOLDIERS as BERNARD and ODDO return with MEDERIC behind them.  Meliee races to them, assessing Mederic for any damage. 


You return from battle unscathed?  Unhurt in any way?

She twists his face looking for wounds.  Mederic grabs her hand and stops her.


I am not wounded.


We didn’t even get to fight.  Those knights killed all the enemy before we could.


Glory to God that we should have such a powerful army. 


Am I not needed in the army of God?  Have I come all this way to watch knights do battle?


Ease yourself brother.  You shall do battle.  We have only just arrived into enemy territory.


You’ll get your opportunity for battle.  This may be a long siege.

Artald points to the CITY which is surrounded by a moat and massive walls connected by hundreds of towers, then to the adjoining LAKE where a BOAT is bringing provisions into the city. 


Surely I’ll be put to work building engines.  Why should we not bypass this place and go directly to Jerusalem? 


It is said that Nicea is the outpost to Anatolia and the pathway to Jerusalem.  By capturing this city, there will be a secure route of passage for supplies, troops, and pilgrims to the Holy Land. 

Raymond’s KNIGHT rides up and addresses the laypeople. 


Tomorrow we require all builders and foot men to report to the moat.

Bernard groans and kicks the ground.


MEDERIC carries a huge STONE in a line of men.  He approaches the MOAT and throws the stone into it on top of a pile of other stones.  ODDO appears behind him with his own stone which he throws into the moat.  BERNARD finally drops a stone in with a line of men behind him.  Mederic, Oddo, and Bernard turn and walk together to get more stones.


Are you not enjoying war brother?


I could stay at home and carry stones.


So could we all. 

The men reach a PILE OF STONES and each pick up another stone.  They carry them to the moat and each toss theirs in. 


But you wouldn’t be putting them in a moat to lay siege to a city.


I long for battle Oddo!.


There’s more to war than swords.

Bernard ignores Mederic and stands at the edge of the moat.


I could jump this moat.

As he speaks an ARROW sinks into the ground at his feet.  From the walls of the city, an ARCHER observes his shot.  He loads another arrow onto his bow.

Oddo pulls Bernard from behind away from the edge of the moat and out of range of the arrow. 


Like arrows.  And rocks.  Get more rocks.

Oddo shoves Bernard away from the arrow fire and towards the line of rock carrying men.


Days later, at the same spot, the EARTHEN BRIDGE is complete.  The CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS now begin to cross over it. 

FOOT SOLDIERS carry MANTLETS; screens woven out of branches ahead of ARCHERS.  Other FOOT SOLDIERS carry the posts of a TORTOISE; a short wooden shed open on the sides which covers other men, ENGINERS with shovels and picks and CROSSBOWMEN.  They all inch along underneath the moving structure while SHIELDMEN guard the outside protecting those underneath. 

BERNARD holds a shield at the front corner of the tortoise, protecting both ODDO and MEDERIC as they carry one of the posts. 

TURKISH BOWMAN assemble quickly on the walls and begin rapidly firing arrow after arrow down on the advancing contraptions.  Some arrows are lost in the branches of the mantlets, others stick into the roof of the tortoise, others into the shields around it. 

A SOLDIER carrying a mantlet is struck with an arrow.  An ARCHER takes his place, continuing to carry the mantlet, as the first man drops to the ground dead.  Bernard, Oddo, and Mederic pass by the dead man.  Bernard grips his shield tighter as the tortoise reaches the wall at the base of a leaning tower. 

The Turks on the battlement begin heaving huge STONES off the walls.  The stones slam onto the roof of the tortoise, against shields, and onto the bodies of the men carrying the mantlets.  Some crawl to the safety under the tortoise.



Keep your shield up brother.

The Engineers quickly begin digging at the ground next to the wall exposing the stones beneath the surface.  Mederic joins the diggers.  The Crossbowmen take turns firing arrows up at the men on the wall and then stepping under the tortoise to reload.  The rapid firing and rocks from the Turks on the wall slows as now each arrow is quickly met with suppressing crossbow fire. 


Hours have gone by and the sun is setting.  Mounds of dirt now surround the TORTOISE while the CHRISTIAN MEN underneath it are still digging. 

Beneath the tortoise, the men now stand in a ramp of dirt lowering nearly ten feet and exposing dirt beneath the lowest foundation stone of the tower wall.  Several men set huge WOODEN BEAMS at an angle into the ground against the wall.  The other men dig at the hard earth and chip away at the stones of the wall, taking chunks out and sending them up through the hands of the other men.  When enough stones are removed, the men once again take their positions at the posts.  CROSSBOWMEN cover as the ENGINERS slather oil on the support beams against the wall and then light them  on fire.

The TURKISH SOLDIERS on the wall watch as the Christian men hustle with the tortoise back across the earth bridge and to safety.  The Christians turn back and watch the wooden beams burn.  Eventually the beams snap and with a rumble, the tower collapses.  The Christian men cheer as a path into the city appears to be open.  The exhausted men look expectantly for contingents of armored men or loose foot soldiers to climb over the rubble.


The Turks, many stunned by the circumstance, now wait on the other part of the wall for the Christian’s next move.


Where are the other armies?  Why are we not charging in?

The other men share his concern but not his enthusiasm.  Bernard is nearly ready to charge on his own.


Steady yourself brother. 


Perhaps they did not expect us to succeed in such a short time.  We will report it and surely the armies will attack at first light.

The Turkish soldiers, seeing no threat from the Christian siege engineers, toss down huge HOOKS ON ROPES.


What are the devils doing now? 

A group of Turkish soldiers hooks something and begins to pull it up.  The men are stunned as the Turks pull up the body of one of the DEAD CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS from the ground at the base of the wall.

BERNARD (Cont’d)

Now they defile our dead brethren.  Mederic give me your sword.

Mederic holds his sword in the sheath.  Oddo takes his brother by the arm.


Brother, ease yourself.  As you have been told, there is more to war than swords.  We will attack with the army tomorrow.

The men watch as another DEAD CHRISTIAN SOLDIER is dragged up the walls by a hook and rope while the previous one, now stripped and beheaded, is tossed from the walls.  Oddo and Mederic hold Bernard back.

ODDO (Cont’d)

Tomorrow brother.



Before the sun rises the next morning, the same CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS including MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD stand staring at the tower.  A formation of armored FOOT SOLDIERS stands next to them ready to attack.  With them is RAYMOND, mounted on his HORSE.

As the sun rises and lights up the TOWER The Christians are stunned as the tower they had destroyed the night prior is completely rebuilt.  Even the mounds of dirt are tamped level.  TURKISH ARCHERS stand ready on the wall with bows drawn. 


This day is lost.  Back to camp.

The Christian men turn away and begin walking back to camp as the Turks on the wall cheer. 


Moments later, MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD return to camp where MELIEE and ARTALD are surprised to see them returning so soon. 


What has happened?  Have we breached the walls at the section you collapsed?


The Turks have rebuilt it.


With the aid of demons no doubt.  All while the knights slept in their beds when instead they should have been capturing the place.


As he speaks, they hear the noise of many hooves nearby.  GODFREY, BALDWIN, Eustace, BOHEMOND, RAYMOND, and ADHEMAR ride by followed by small contingents of their KNIGHTS carrying their banners. 


Where could they be going?

Moments later, the Barons and their knights ride back in the other direction, this time followed by the BYZANTINE GENERAL TACITUS and a group of BYZANTINE WARRIORS.


It is Byzantium.  The emperor honors his oath.


What need have we of the emperor?  What can Byzantium offer to the siege?


Moments later, inside the Baron’s tent sit the leaders of the Christian Armies, ADHEMAR, RAYMOND, GODFREY, BALDWIN, BOHEMOND and TANCRED.  Across from them sits TACITUS flanked by his GUARDS.


What can Byzantium offer to this seige? 


We have artillery, rapid fire ballistas with heavy iron arrows.  We also bring greek fire.


What good are these things?  My men destroyed a tower wall and in the night, they built it back up. 


The Turks are able to bring in supplies at will on their boats and come and go over the water.  Until this is stopped, nothing can be gained by blockading the city. 


We have boats.  There is a fleet of shallow water vessels on the river at Civitote.  If you would again lead an attack on the walls of the tower while we shall perform an assault by sea and the city will be taken. 

The Christian leaders consider the plan with some suspicion but agree. 


Civitote is a two day march from here.  The river it sits on does not empty into this lake.  How will you get the boats here?


Days later, in the marsh lands between Civitote and Nicea, BYZANTINE and CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS toil at pulling the wooden, shallow bottom BOATS through the shallow water. 


Days later, the BYZANTINE and CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS drag the BOATS down the road and past the Christian encampment.  The men continuously set stripped LOGS in front of the boats, one after another allowing the boats to roll on top of them.

MELIEE watches as the boats and men pass by.  She spots MEDERIC by his hood, lifting and setting a log with another MAN and ODDO setting the next log with BERNARD, who is complaining as usual. 


The SOLDIERS drag and roll the BOATS across the moat bridge and finally push them into the water. 


MEDERIC and MELIEE sit by the fire eating.  Nearby BERNARD is visibly discouraged until ODDO comforts him.


Tomorrow, brother.  We have already been given our orders.  We are to attack the wall with all the might of our army while Byzantium attacks from the sea.  By evening we should all be inside the city walls.


Under the cover of darkness, near the wall outside the gate, TACITUS converses secretly with the TURKISH GOVERNOR.


Be assured, we will not let the body of the Christian army into the city.  But you must convince the governor to surrender.  He has my word that he and his family will be given safe conduct from the city.  The garrison will be transported across the lake.  It is quite simple; rule of the city will transfer from the Turks to the Emperor.  The Christian armies will move on.  But it must appear to them that we have taken the city by force.

The Turkish Governor nods with agreement and departs.


The next day at first light, the CHRISTIAN ARMY begins their bombardment of the tower wall. 

RAYMOND commands his army as they spray the tower with the BALLISTA and IRON MISSILES provided by the Byzantines.  As CROSSBOWMEN and CATAPULTS bombard the tower, stones begin to fall from it.  The tower looks as though it will soon collapse. 

MEDERIC, ODDO and BERNARD and other Christian FOOT SOLDIERS carry a large wooden LADDER. 


On the lake, the FLEET of Byzantine BOATS, loaded with WARRIORS, BANNERS, TRUMPETS and DRUMS steer toward the water gate. 

Atop the walls above the water gate, the TURKISH GOVERNOR observes the fleet coming toward the city.  He orders the gate opened.


The Christian army continues to swarm the walls. MEDERIC, ODDO, BERNARD, and the other SOLDIERS reach the wall and set their LADDER up against it. 

Bernard grabs the rung but before he can step on the ladder a cheer is heard from above as the BANNERS OF BYZANTIUM are unfurled from the top of the walls. 

Many of the men and siege engines have yet to reach the wall but still a victorious shout arises from the confused Christian army.


BERNARD growls as he has once again missed combat. 


Back at camp, MELIEE and ARTALD are once again surprised to see the group returning so soon and unscathed.


It must be some miracle you return to me so easily from danger.  How is it possible?


The siege has ended.  The city has been given over to Byzantium.


Inside the BARON’s TENT the Christian nobles, GODFREY, BALDWIN, RAYMOND, ADHEMAR, BOHEMOND, and TANCRED gather in council.


I have said the emperor is not to be trusted.  Do you suppose the city would fall so easily without some form of treachery?  We have seen the Byzantine boats now escorting the Turkish garrison across the lake harmlessly. 


We have all sworn the oath to return these cities to the empire. 


Then the army of Christ is as slaves to a temporal master.

The other leaders concur.


And now we are forbidden entry to the city just as in Constantinople.  We have toiled under the pretense that we would find provisions in the city after we captured it.


The emperor has sworn his oath.  He will send provisions.


We should split the army.

The other leaders listen as he continues.


Even if we receive the supplies promised by the emperor, a single force this size will wipe out the



landscape we are traversing.  It is my recommendation that we split our forces, trailing one behind the other by at least a day.  My army will act as vanguard and leave at once. 


This plan is reasonable however neither army will make it across Anatolia without the provisions we expected to capture here.

They hear the sound of approaching carts from outside the tent. 


The CHRISTIAN NOBLES exit the tent to find a CARAVAN of HORSE DRAWN CARTS being led by TACITUS.  The carts are filled with food, silks, skins of wine and water, and coffers of money. 


As per his oath, the emperor has sent provisions and wealth to your armies under the condition that your forces do not enter the city.  Nicea belongs to Byzantium.  We will allow 5 or 6 Christians at a time to visit the churches inside and as agreed, the empire will provide food and supplies as you cross the arid lands of Anatolia.


A short time later MELIEE returns to the camp of the Clermont laypeople where MEDERIC, ODDO, BERNARD, and ARTALD are resting.  She carries with her some silk fabric loaded with food and skins.  She removes pieces of FRUIT and hands one to each of the men.


Where did you get this?


The Christian army is not allowed inside the city for fear we will plunder it but the emperor has sent provisions, fabrics, food, wine.  They have given some out. 



Meliee tosses a WINE SKIN to Artald who happily indulges then passes the skin around the group.


Any news about the army?


Yes, they are splitting the armies for the next leg of the march to conserve our supplies.  Bohemond’s army will ride ahead.  Godfrey’s and ours will follow sometime later. 


Why would they split us?  What if we are attacked?  Surely we will continue to be attacked by those horse archers.


It sounds like Bohemond’s army will be attacked if they plan to go first.


And what about us?  We will be in the rear?  Away from the fighting?


And away from the danger.


I did not come here to hide from danger.  I came to face it, to


BERNARD (Cont’d)

fight, and become a knight should God will it.  We must march with the vanguard. 

(to Oddo)

Brother, we must.


I do not intend to change armies.


And I do not intend to march as a simple pilgrim protected on all sides by knights.  We are warriors in Christ’s army.  Why should we not be at the front?  Shall we trade righteous glory for safety?

Oddo takes a swig of wine and digests Bernard’s argument then concedes.


Ok, brother.  We will march with the first army.


God wills it, brother.

The wine skin goes around the group once again until it reaches Artald, who takes another swig.


Aye, God wills it.  I too will go with you and the advancing army.

Meliee looks to Mederic.  She can already tell that it is in his mind to join them but it is only her safety that holds him back.


We too will march with you.

The men are surprised by her statement but Mederic nods confirming what she has said.


Most of the food carts are traveling with the advance force so though it is more perilous, it is still a good decision. 


Are you sure?


It will be no different with the other army for me.  They too have with them monks, pilgrims, women, children. 



Days later, BOHEMOND’S ARMY marches through red rolling hills under a blazing summer sun.  Through a large field, flanked by a MARSH, the army moves towards the ruins of a small city among grey willows and green oaks.


BOHEMOND and TANCRED observe as the huge caravan line passes with KNIGHTS, MEN AT ARMS, black robed MONKS, sturdy PILGRIMS, and WOMEN clustered together around pack MULES.  OX CARTS crawl by with loads of grain and fruit.  After that miles of SPEAR TIPS bounce among iron covered heads.  Bohemond and Tancred scan the surrounding area.  There is a feeling of uneasiness among the men. 


Do you feel it nephew?


Yes uncle.  An attack is imminent.  It is as if they are already here yet invisible.

The caravan keeps moving as their destination, the RUINS of the city of DORYLAEUM, becomes visible.  Visible too is a fast riding knight, PAIN, headed toward Bohemond and Tancred. 


Prince Bohemond, our scouts have reported a camp of Turkish soldiers 3 miles from here.  They number ten thousand.  Mostly mounted men, archers.  They mean to ambush our caravan.

As he speaks a barrage of ARROWS comes raining down on them.  At least a half dozen of the arrows sink into the FOOT SOLDIERS in front of them.  Some arrows deflect harmlessly off the armor of the men but a few hit their mark indicated by the groans of some men.


Bohemond and Tancred see the source of the assault as a small band of TURKISH HORSE ARCHERS in bright tunics with white turbans.  The archers ride away only to be replaced by another group of TURKISH ARCHERS appearing and peppering the Christians with more arrows before riding away. 


Shields!  We are under attack!

Christian soldiers start to drop as the arrows sink into them.


Further back in the caravan, the FOOT SOLDIERS and LAY PEOPLE suffer the same style assault from more TURKISH ARCHERS.  The lighter armored Foot soldiers and lay people begin to drop quickly under the arrows.  Many begin to panic.

MELIEE, MEDERIC, ODDO, BERNARD, and ARTALD stop their march as they witness a group of TURKISH ARCHERS attacking the CHRISTIANS directly in front of them. 


Get the shields!

Artald loosens the tear drop shaped SHIELDS from the HORSE and hands them to Mederic, Oddo, and Bernard.  Mederic pushes Meliee between the horse and himself. 


Stay next to the horse and behind our shields. 

Artald too, pulls a shield from and begins to protect Meliee and the horse.

More LAYMEN fall to the ground around them as the arrow fire continues. 


Shield up brother.  Here is the danger you desired.


These devils do not fight.  They throw arrows and flee.


BOHEMOND and TANCRED now command their KNIGHTS in formation as more TURKISH ARCHERS continue to bombard them.


A group of the TURKS fires their arrows then flees while a few KNIGHTS respond by pursuing them with swords drawn.  The three knights are quickly picked off by another GROUP OF ARCHERS.


A TURK with a FLAMING OIL SKIN throws it at one of the wooden carts of grain which immediately catches FIRE.


Tancred, order the men to quickly set up camp by the marsh.  Get our supplies away from the enemy. 

TANCRED rides off to relay the message as BOHEMOND calls out to the mounted knights.


Knights, form up on me! 

Dozens of KNIGHTS on HORSES respond to his call as they quickly form into a unit.  Another set of TURKISH ARCHERS appears and fires upon them. 


The battle is at hand on every side!  Go forward!

At his command, the mounted knights charge after the fleeing group of Turkish archers.  The archers turn in their saddles and fire arrows back at the pursuing knights.  The group of lighter and fast Turks make sharp turns and disperse causing some of the knights to break formation in order to chase after them.  The pursuing knights are scattered as another group of Turks flanks them. The Turks keep distance from the lances and swords of the christians while continuing to shoot at the Christians with arrows.  Knights and their horses fall dead around Bohemond.

Bohemond hears SCREAMS from the Christian camp as he observes that a TURKISH SOLDIERS have penetrated into the camp from the marsh behind it. 


Knights back to me!


The KNIGHTS follow BOHEMOND to the camp where more TURKISH ARCHERS continue to decimate the unarmored LAYPEOPLE, MONKS, WOMEN, and HORSES. 

They witness some Turks dismount and go inside the Christian’s tents to pilfer their supplies. 

TANCRED rides to Bohemond. 


Uncle, they are destroying our army piece by piece. 

Bohemond scans the scene, witnessing more Turkish Archers continuing to mow down the Christians.  The Turks now seem focused on the unarmored people and supply carts.  He controls the tense horse underneath him, developing a plan. 


I want a wall on the outside of the camp.  Empty the carts and have them brought up as a 



barricade.  I want every man, every knight, on foot, with a shield protecting the people, supplies, and horses in the camp until the other armies can reach us. 


Tancred rides through the camp relaying Bohemond’s orders. 

The Knights dismount from their horses and position themselves on the outside of the camp with their shields up.

Christian foot soldiers roll empty carts into place forming a wall around the camp.


Fresh TURKISH ARCHERS continue to ride in and shoot but the new formation of the Christians hinders them as now their arrows bounce off and stick into the armor and shields of the men doing them no harm.  Their arrows can no longer reach the unarmored people at the center of the camp. 

A TURKISH ARCHER that drifts too close to the Christian formation is ripped from his horse or stabbed with a spear.

Bohemond’s tactic flows back through the camp as more armored KNIGHTS dismount and surround the camp.  They endure wave after wave of Turkish arrow assaults. 


MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD have joined the SHIELD WALL around the camp where they continue protecting themselves from the arrows.  Numerous arrows protrude from their shields.


Bernard is surprised as he is joined at his side by the fully armored knight, PAIN, who is on foot.  Other KNIGHTS join them until they are completely enveloped by the armored men.  Bernard sees himself amongst peers as together they fend off another barrage of arrows.  Though soon Bernard begins to assess his shortcomings in armor and weaponry compared to the knights.

Bohemond rides behind the line rousing the tired but adrenalized men.


Christians, we must hold!  Relief is on the way. 

A group of armored TURKISH CAVALRY appears before them.  With a strong charge, the Turks attempt to penetrate the shield wall.  The Turkish Cavalry is repelled by the furious fighting of the Christians.  The few Turks that make it through the line are ripped from their mounts.


A Mounted TURK attempts to cut through with his sword but Bernard lunges forward with his spear striking him in the chest.  The Turk falls from his saddle and his HORSE stops running.  As the Turk’s body and SWORD are dragged on the ground slowly by the confused HORSE, the curved blade glimmers in the eyes of Bernard.  The horse continues to tarry, tempting Bernard further.  Bernard can no longer resist as he pushes through the line of Knights and out into the open field. 


Brother!  Stop!

Bernard cannot stop.  He finds himself alone outside the shield wall and recklessly makes his way toward the horse and dead turk.  Another group of TURKISH ARCHERS suddenly appears and bears down on him.  Bernard sees this as he attempts to wrest the curved sword away from the dead man. An arrow nearly misses Bernard as he feverishly works to retrieve the sword. 




Let that fool go.  He is lost.

Oddo, Mederic, and the others can only watch as Bernard finally frees the sword from the dead man and stands up.  The group of TURKISH ARCHERS rides around him narrowly missing him with their shots.  Bernard runs back to the shield wall, dodging the arrow of a mounted archer only to be struck full force by the HORSE of another.  Bernard is knocked to the ground and stops moving.




Leave him.  He is dead.  Do you want to die too?

Oddo ignores the Pain and breaks out of their formation.  He puts his shield up and carefully makes his way to his brother.  Mederic follows Oddo to the outside and towards the downed Bernard.  Mederic points to a large group of TURKS approaching. 

As they reach the unconscious Bernard, Oddo takes a knee while Mederic holds his shield up.  Bernard groans.


He lives.  Get him up.

Mederic continues to hold his shield up as an arrow sinks into it. Oddo puts the limp Bernard over his shoulder.  The large group of Turks bears down on them as Oddo and Mederic hustle back to the line carrying Bernard.  Bernard still clutches the Turk’s curved sword. 


The line of Christian soldiers part for the men who quickly get behind it just as a thunderous stampede of KNIGHTS smashes into the TURKS sending dead bodies flying and live ones fleeing.  Cheers arise from the shield wall as they see it is GODFREY and his KNIGHTS that have performed the charge and now chase and cut down the fleeing archers.  GODFREY then turns to charge another group of ARCHERS riding in. 


It is Duke Godfrey.  We are relieved!



Godfrey’s small force of knights is quickly occupied with a force of Turks, as another group of TURKISH ARCHERS appears and assaults the Christian line.



Now safe and well behind the cart and shield wall, ODDO, MEDERIC and ARTALD set BERNARD face down upon the back of Artald’s HORSE. 

The battle continues as all around them, WOUNDED and DEAD MEN are being brought into the camp.  PRIESTS in white vestments deliver the final sacrament to some.  Weeping, praying and singing can be heard. 

MELIEE hands the men skins of water to drink and pours some on the unconscious Bernard.


Is he alive?


By God’s grace alone.  He is a fool.

Oddo pats his unconscious brother as he and Mederic walk back towards the shield wall where the Turkish archers continue their assault while the armored men hold the camp. 

A TURKISH INFANTRY with many clad in maille with steel pointed helmets now presses in on the Christian defense penetrating into the Christian camp and near to Meliee, Artald, the old horse, and the unconscious Bernard. 

Oddo and Mederic work together with the other foot soldiers and dismounted knights fighting in close combat against the Turkish infantry as more archers close in and rain arrows down upon the camp.


Meliee screams as she cowers behind Artald and his shield. 

A TURKISH SOLDIER advances toward them with a sword. 

Meliee’s scream gets the attention of Mederic and Oddo who now fight through the melee to get back to them. 

The blade of the Turk comes down on Artald’s shield rocking him and Meliee back into the horse. 

Meliee’s screams and the movement of the horse wake Bernard.  Bernard regains his senses and slides down from the horse. 

As the Turk cuts down again again at Artald-- BERNARD appears and blocks his blow with his CURVED SWORD.  Bernard pushes the Turk’s blade up, kicks him in the gut then cuts the Turk at the neck.  Bernard turns to the battle where Mederic and Oddo continue to struggle in the melee. 

Oddo is being overwhelmed by a Turkish infantry soldier.  He takes strike after strike on his shield.  From beside Oddo, Bernard’s curved sword slashes across the neck and shoulder of the armored Turk cutting him down.  Bernard stands beside Oddo until he sees Pain, struggling with two TURKISH INFANTRY.  Bernard kicks one in the hip then cuts through him allowing Pain to strike and kill the other.


Wooo!  God wills it.

As he shouts another massive FORCE appears on the horizon approaching fast.  The weary Christians soldiers groan as they prepare for another element of assault. 


Soldiers of Christ, you have earned that title today and whatever comes forth you shall bear and defeat as you have thus far!

As the force nears they discern that it is the other part of the CHRISTIAN ARMY led by RAYMOND and ADHEMAR.


It is the army of Count Raymond and Bishop Adhemar! 


God is with us.

The weary foot soldiers cheer as the mounted KNIGHTS ride hard into the battle, smashing and cutting the armored TURKISH INFANTRY and the unarmored TURKISH ARCHERS with swords, maces, and spears.  The Turkish soldiers begin a disorganized retreat, fleeing into the wilderness only to be chased and cut down by the Christian knights.  Even the weary Christian foot soldiers join in the chase including this time both Bernard and Oddo. 


The CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS continue to push the TURKISH SOLDIERS all the way back to their camp.  The Turks continue to flee and abandon their camp and all their belongings.


As night falls, ODDO and BERNARD return among other SOLDIERS leading ANIMALS and carrying PLUNDER taken from the Turkish camp while ARTALD and MEDERIC are also returning from burying the Christian dead.  They arrive at the fires of the victorious but somber Christian camp where MELIEE is tending to a steaming pot. 

Bernard now wears the ARMOR of a Turk; a maille shirt and a steel helm.  The curved SWORD hangs from his belt.  He carries a fabric sack over his shoulder.


How do I look?


Like one of those devils.

A PRIEST in white appears and stands before them holding up a cross. 


Lord Jesus, we do pray for the souls of the Christians killed here today that they may join you in the everlasting peace of heaven.

All stand and bow their heads until the Priest moves on to the neighboring group repeating the same words.

Bernard opens the fabric sack revealing plunder from the Turkish camp; gold cups, food, garments, and coins.  Oddo carries two MAILLE SHIRTS one over each shoulder, then plops one down onto his arm and hands it to Mederic. 


It is used.

Mederic accepts the armor and nods with gratitude.  Meliee takes the heavy armor shirt from him.


I will clean it.


Once again the CHRISTIAN ARMY and CARAVAN are on the move.  The landscape is scorched by the summer sun and fires started by the Turks in order to decimate the land on the path of the army.  BERNARD, ODDO, and ARTALD now wear turbans.  MEDERIC still wears his carpenters hood.  The men sweat while wearing their newly acquired MAILLE SHIRTS.   MELIEE covers herself in white muslin.


How is your new armor brother?


Heavy.  And hot. 

(To Artald)

Can the horse carry it?


Nay.  He’s weary already with the load he’s been taking. 


How is yours, husband? 


Not too heavy.  But aye, it is hot.

Meliee wraps her white fabric around his armored body.


Perhaps if the sun weren’t beating down on it so.  Well you’ll all be glad you’ve got it on when the Turks attack again. 


If they attack.  It seems they’ve changed tactics.

Artald points to a small TOWN that appears to be SMOKING.


The devils!  They’ve burnt it like the last one.


And surely poisoned any water in the area.


They know we are righteous and that is why they will not meet us in open battle.  Instead they cause us to wither under this heat like beasts.


There is more to war than swords, brother.


And now I can see.  How long must we travel through these barren lands?


Do you long for the honey and wine of Europe?

Bernard does not respond. 


It will be some time before we reach Antioch.


Aye, and it will be a hard march. 


I have heard of Antioch.


It is the stronghold of Syria and the gateway to the Holy Land.  It is the last obstacle in our path to Jerusalem.  But to reach it, we will need to cross through lands more barren than these and over treacherous mountain paths.


At least we shall take the city swiftly with the full force of our armies.


It would be a miracle to take with any army for it is well fortified with impregnable walls and hundreds of towers.  If there is a garrison at all, the city can be held for months but it’s likely they will know that we are coming and will have thousands of soldiers inside.


Behind them in the Caravan, RAYMOND and ADHEMAR notice the same burning town. 


Another town burnt.


It is my hope that these actions of the Turks will cause the local inhabitants to look upon our arrival with favor. 


It is true, we may now find some support from the local Christians many who have already been suffering under the rule of the Turks.


Weeks later, the CHRISTIAN ARMY and CARAVAN continues on, dragging through the barren lands of Anatolia.  To ease their hunger, some CHRISTIANS eat RAW GRAIN they find growing and chew LEATHER from their belts.  KNIGHTS cut and drink the BLOOD of their HORSES and pack ANIMALS. 

Due to heat and thirst, animals; HORSES, MULES, OXEN, and even DOGS, begin to drop on the road, unable to carry on.  KNIGHTS who have lost their horses are seen riding on the back of OXEN while others walk on foot bearing the full weight of their armor, arms and packs.  Within the caravan, some carry the DEAD BODIES wrapped in robes so as to bury them at night when the army stops to camp. 

MEDERIC, ODDO, BERNARD, MELIEE, and ARTALD carry their own shields and packs as Artald’s HORSE is noticeably weakening and can no longer carry the load.  Artald cups water into the horse’s mouth and urges him on.  The horse and group hesitate as now before them stands a massive range of BLACK MOUNTAINS.  The path of the caravan leads straight towards it. 


We must traverse that?


Aye, it is the barrier before Syria.  But I’m afraid our friend will not be able to traverse it with us.

The group turns to look at Artald, unsure of what he means.  The horse’s legs begin to buckle as he lets out an exhausted grunt.  Artald pulls the horse out of the caravan line.  The others follow as the horse collapses on his side. 


Easy boy.  Good horse. 

They all look on with tears in their eyes as the horse strains his head up to Artald who cups water from a skin into his hand and into the horse’s mouth.  Meliee bends down and pets the horse’s head.  She nods to Mederic who does the same and stands up.  Oddo follows but Bernard resists though he is nearly crying.


He is just a horse.


(to the horse)

Aye, a good horse.


He has carried our supplies for thousands of miles.  He has endured with us hardships of hunger, thirst, and violence.  He is a member of Christ’s army.

Bernard’s mind changes from Meliee’s words and he too kneels by the horse and pets him.  The horse looks to Artald as he lays his head down.


Aye, a good horse.


Sometime later, MEDERIC, MELIEE, ODDO, BERNARD, and ARTALD continue on marching with the CARAVAN.  As they approach the treacherous mountain path they had been expecting, they come upon some KNIGHTS on foot selling their heavy armor and equipment.  One KNIGHT laments as he leaves his armor, unsold, on the ground and begins the mountainous trek.  Oddo holds Bernard back from picking it up.


We are heavy enough brother.  Maybe too heavy already.


The CHRISTIAN CARAVAN inches along the mountain path.  A group of FOOT SOLDIERS lift a MULE up over a jagged rock on the path.  As they continue, the Christians clutch the rocks on a thin road alongside a cliff.  They carry nearly nothing now but packs, weapons, and shields strapped to them. 

Men shout as the MULE falls from the road into the unseen terrain hundreds of feet below. 

MELIEE winces as they also witness a SOLDIER fall from the heights.


BERNARD shuffles along a precipice between ODDO and MEDERIC. 

Suddenly Bernard slips, only saving himself by grabbing the ledge with one hand.  His turkish HELM falls down into abyss.  His curved SWORD slips out from his belt.  He grabs it. 



Oddo turns quickly and grabsBernard’s arm.  He tries to pull him up but cannot. 


You’re too heavy.  I’ll fall.

Mederic leans down to assist but cannot grab Bernard’s other arm since Bernard is still holding on to his sword.


Bernard let that thing go!


Take it.

Bernard swings it up towards them, nearly cutting Mederic who dodges the blade.


Bernard no!  Will you die over some turk’s sword?  Throw it away!


There is more to war than swords, Bernard.

Mederic’s calm words sink in.  Bernard tosses the sword down into the rocky abyss below then throws his arm up to Mederic.  With help from both men, Bernard climbs back up onto the ledge. 


Later that night, the CHRISTIANS shiver in their camp on the empty mountain ledges.  They are beaten by wind and without wood, they burn no fires.  In the darkness, light voices are heard singing.  The Christians curl up to one another comforted by the singing. 


Days later, the hopeful SINGING is still heard the CHRISTIAN ARMY begins emerging from the mountain path into the foothills.  The Christians behold groves of dark olive trees, sesame plantations, wide streams of clean and cold water, and a small unravaged town of dwellings.  Some of the weary Christians fall to their knees. 

LOCAL CHRISTIANS, both men and women wearing crosses around their necks come out from the town to greet them with wine, food, and water.

BOHEMOND and his KNIGHTS carefully lead the few precious HORSES and MULES that remain with the caravan.


The CHRISTIAN ARMY carries on through the orchards of Syria nearing the walled CITY of ANTIOCH situated behind a RIVER. 

TITLE CARD:  “Antioch.  October, 1097.” 


The gates of the ancient walled city of Antioch open as dozens of bewildered CITIZENS are ushered outside the walls by armored TURKISH SOLDIERS.  Many of the citizens wear CROSSES around their neck signifying that they are Christians.  The Christian men are carrying shovels or picks.  An Armenian Christian man, HAKOB, who is 40, and his daughter, ELENA, who is 18, both with fair skin and dark hair, are among them. 

As they are pushed out, Hakob sees a tower guard he knows, FIRUZ, and Armenian man dressed in Turkish armor, among other SOLDIERS on top of the wall. 


(Yelling up to him)

Firuz, what is the meaning of this?


You shall see.

Atop the walls is also the Governor YAGHI-SIYAN, a bearded Turk addresses them.


A large force of Christians approaches the city with intent to do us harm.  It is my orders that you dig a ditch around the walls of the city to hinder their advances.

The Christians of Antioch begin digging.  Hakob and Elena dig together.


Why have you brought me out here to dig with the men, father?


It is my fear that it is no longer safe for us in the city.  I have heard of this Christian army.  They are mighty men from the West who come to relieve us from the rule of the Turks.


And the governor fears we will aid them from within the walls?




The CHRISTIANS OF ANTIOCH toil throughout the day until darkness begins to fall.  As the MOAT is completed many of the Christians turn back to enter the city gate and go home. 

However, as the last of the TURKISH SOLDIERS guarding them enter into the city before them, the GATE is closed leaving them outside.


HAKOB and ELENA watch as, from atop the wall, YAGHI-SIYAN addresses them again.


You can leave me the city until I see how things will be with us and the Christians.

Angry shouts arise from the Antioch Christians who begin pounding at the gate.  Hakob notices FIRUZ atop the wall again.


Firuz, first you convert to the religion of the pagans for rank of tower guard and now you betray us?  Firuz!

Yaghi-Siyan motions with his hands toward a SOLDIER who fires an ARROW at the feet of Hakob.  Witnessing this, the crowd of Christians disperses from the gate. 


HAKOB and ELENA take refuge under a tree next to the river.



What are we to do now?


Tonight, we shall sleep outside under this tree.


And tomorrow?


We shall cross the river and seek out the Christian army.  They are our only hope.


How will we cross the river?  We have dug a moat in front of the bridge and we cannot swim across the river.


We will find a boat.  There are many along the river.

The father and daughter fall asleep. 


As the sun rises the next day, HAKOB tows a BOAT along the river, stopping at the tree where ELENA is just waking up.


They board the vessel and quietly paddle across the river. 

Once across, they witness as the first of the CHRISTIAN ARMY begins to descend into the valley.

Hakob and Elena get close to the caravan, making sure to show their cross necklaces to the passing monks and laypeople.  They see MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD who’s maille shirts shine in the sunlight, walking with MELIEE and ARTALD.  Hakob and Elena approach them. 


God be with you my Christian brethren.


Are you knights?

Bernard quietly beams from the compliment.


Of course.  They are knights of Christ.


Where are your horses?


Many horses were lost on the way.  Many of our knights now walk on foot.


But we are not knights.  We are merely soldiers in Christ’s army.


Still, you come as saviours for the Christians of Antioch for we have been expelled from the city after news of your arrival.  We were forced to dig a moat outside the wall as additional defenses.


It is true.  We have crossed the river but many other Christians are stranded outside the walls.  Where is your leader?

As he asks, BOHEMOND and TANCRED, once again mounted on HORSES, ride by with a few KNIGHTS.


There.  Prince Bohemond is our commander.

Oddo points toward Bohemond as he rides by.  Hakob calls out to him.


Prince Bohemond!  We are Christians from inside the walls of Antioch.

Bohemond spins his horse in the direction of the call and approaches Hakob.


You come from inside the city?


Yes, lord.  We have been expelled by the Turkish governor for fear that we would assist your army.


And will you?


As much as we can, lord.

Bohemond nods for Hakob to follow him and the Knights.  MELIEE nods to Hakob indicating that Elena is safe in their care.   Hakob runs along to catch up with Bohemond and the knights.


Moments later, HAKOB stands beside BOHEMOND overlooking the valley, river, and walled CITY.  The city looks like a garden behind massive stone walls connected by hundreds of towers and a mountain behind it.


My lord, it is impregnable.  No army on earth can encircle it.  The garrison inside numbers five thousand.  The river is too deep and fast to ford or to damn up with an earthen bridge.  As you see we were forced to dig a moat.


(to Tancred)

Order camps to be set up within the first milestone.


Uncle, we shall be attacked daily.


And we too shall attack as often.  We cannot risk our men being picked off as they walk from camp miles away each day nor can we allow those besieged the space to



bring in provisions.  As for encircling the walls, we will blockade the three main gates leaving those in the mountain.

(to Hakob)

Now, Christian of Antioch, how did you cross the river?


A boat.  There are many boats along the river.


A day later, the Christian camp sprawls across the valley opposite the river from the city.  It nearly encircles the wall as all of the armies, that of Godfrey, Raymond, and Bohemond are stationed in sections outside each gate. 


It is RAINING and COLD while BOHEMOND and his FOOT SOLDIERS collect all the BOATS they can in the river and bring them to one area where they lash them together.


MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD work in their armor laying fresh cut planks of wood across the boats with the other.  With the floating bridge complete, the men then begin to carry more wood and planks across.  Mederic COUGHS.


Two months later, the Christians are still camped outside the walls of ANTIOCH and it is still RAINING.  Wind whips at the tents and faces of the Christians. 

TITLE CARD:  "Two Months Later"

MELIEE looks out from her patched tent with ELENA.  ARTALD joins them.


How is he?

A COUGH comes from inside the tent behind Meliee.


He is not well.  And the brothers?

COUGHS come from another tent.


Aye, not well.  Who would be well after so much fighting with no nourishment?  There is no rest in this rain soaked camp.


By God’s grace they shall heal.  And we shall see Jerusalem.  And France once again.


Aye lady.  If God wills it.


The leaders are sending out a foraging party.  Bohemond’s men. 


Into the country?  This time of year, they’ll find little out there but Turkish soldiers.  And you can’t eat them.


My father has gone out quietly to the nearby towns to see about some food. 


From atop the walls, YAGHI-SIYAN watches with FIRUZ as below them BOHEMOND with his ARMY of KNIGHTS as they depart from their camp. 


They depart?


They leave to forage.  They have nothing in their camp.  The remaining leaders are sick.


Then we shall sally out with the full weight of our garrison immediately.  We will destroy them and end this siege of vagabonds.


The next morning, the CHRISTIANS shuffle about their camp in their muddy woolen cloaks, still suffering in the drizzling and cold weather.


MELIEE stands with ARTALD and ELENA outside their weather beaten tents.  From inside the tents, the COUGHS of the other men are still heard. 


MELIEE ducks into the simple ‘A’ frame tent where MEDERIC is resting lightly wrapped in wool on a pile of mostly wet fabric.  The tent is dripping in a few places.  Next to him is the couple’s few belongings; their packs, Mederics ARMOR, and his SWORD leaning against his SHIELD.  Meliee picks up the sword.


You have come this far husband.  Do you intend to die and leave me to fight these devils for Jerusalem?

Meliee unsheathes Mederic’s sword which gleams in contrast to the bleak weather and tattered tent.  Mederic laughs then coughs. 


No, wife.  We shall see Jerusalem together.



And France?

Meliee sheathes the sword and moves to lean it back up against the shield stopping first to brush rain off of the shield.


Aye.  And France.


Even if we have to fight our way back?

As she is looking at the SHIELD, an ARROW pierces through the fabric of the tent and sticks into it.


ELENA pokes her head into the tent. 


The garrison has come out from the city.


Husband, we are under attack.


The TURKISH GARRISON rides on HORSES, charging quickly out from the city gate and across the stone bridge into the Christian camp.  They fire arrows into the tents as they approach.


The assault continues as the TURKISH SOLDIERS ride through the Christian camp, striking down any unprepared CHRISTIANS as the SOLDIERS hasten to get out of their tents and try to put on their armor. 

ODDO and BERNARD, both bedraggled and visibly sick, stumble out from their tents.  ARTALD hands them their SHIELDS and SPEARS. 


No time for sickness.  The enemy is upon us.

Other CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS, all looking sick, begin assembling around them as the sound of battle can be heard coming from nearby.


Inside their tent, MELIEE assists MEDERIC in putting on his maille shirt, which she has kept clean and free of rust. 


Husband, you are too sick.

Mederic shakes her off as he straps his sword belt to his waist and steps outside.


MEDERIC joins ODDO, BERNARD, and a growing contingent of FOOT SOLDIERS. 

Without command, they begin to walk towards the sound of battle. 

MELIEE and ELENA stand close to ARTALD as they watch them depart.


Those men were near death moments ago and now they rise up for battle.  Surely they are supernatural men. 


The main body of the TURKISH GARRISON strikes with a hard charge into the camp of Raymond.  Many CHRISTIANS, some even without armor and on foot fight back against the Turks.


ADHEMAR, mounted with his MEN, charges into some of the TURKISH SOLDIERS then engages in heated close combat.  Even ADHEMAR’S BANNERMAN is engaged in fighting beneath the image of the Virgin Mary on Adhemar’s banner.


RAYMOND, also visibly sick, finally emerges from his tent and mounts his HORSE as he witnesses Bishop Adhemar’s bannerman slain and Adhemar’s banner captured by the Turks.

The CONTINGENT containing MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD reaches the battle as GODFREY too, rides into the melee with his KNIGHTS.  The Turkish garrison are overwhelmed by the weary, sick and stone-faced Christians as they work together, surrounding individual TURKISH SOLDIERS and slaying them while keeping their HORSES.  RAYMOND too leads  his KNIGHTS into the melee.

YAGHI-SIYAN, witnesses all this from atop the walls and orders a retreat. 

After a HORN sounds, the remaining Turkish Soldiers flee back across the bridge.  They are pursued by Raymond and his knights who nearly reach the gate before the Turks can get inside and close it. 

In a show of mockery, Yaghi-Siyan’s men hang Bishop Adhemar’s standard from the wall upside down. 

Raymond looks to Adhemar, who shakes his head at the bad omen.


Meanwhile on the foraging expedition, BOHEMOND and TANCRED watch as their SOLDIERS comb through a forest.  As they near the edge of the forest, they witness a massive line of TURKISH CAVALRY, HORSE ARCHERS, and FOOTMEN marching on the road toward Antioch.


A relief force for Antioch?


Aye.  Sent to destroy the Christian army.


What do you intend to do?

Bohemond draws his sword from its sheath. 


Stop them here.  Quietly assemble the men.

Tancred nods then gives a strange WHISTLE catching the attention of the KNIGHTS. 


Moments later, Bohemond’s army, in formation, rides down at the moving caravan and blasts into the Turkish line from the side.  The unprepared Turks frantically attempt to form up and engage but cannot as Bohemond, Tancred, and the other soldiers cut them down and rip them from their horses.  In a panic, the largest part of the Turkish force retreats back upon the road they came, leaving only the dead and the few battling who are shortly cut down.


Bohemond and his men gather what they can from the dead Turks but finding little else, they return to camp with mostly empty hands.


At the Christian camp at Antioch, the battered GODFREY and RAYMOND observe as BOHEMOND’S SOLDIERS come back into camp showing signs of battle.  BOHEMOND greets them as he rides to meet them.


You encountered the enemy?


Yes, a large force of Turks marching here to relieve the city.  We engaged in battle and killed many and the remaining were sent back upon the road fleeing in terror.


And so we are relieved from some unknown threat.  Did you find food?


Little, save what the Turks carried and their horses which many of my knights were in sore need of.


Then the army is lost. 


But we have just saved it.


Do these wretched men look saved?  The garrison rode out in surprise upon your departure.  We lost many men beating them back.

A KNIGHT bearing Godfrey’s emblem approaches. 


My lord Godfrey.


Speak.  Do you bring news of my brother Baldwin?


Yes, lord.  He reigns now over a principality in the North from the city of Edessa where he and a few mighty knights have just held out against a strong force of Turks. 


What good is this Edessa to us?  It is the same as desertion.


Lord,  that force of Turks which they have repelled now marches here.  They number thirty five thousand.

The men all swallow the news.


Our armies will be smashed against the walls.


We must enter the city.


And how can we enter it?  We have attacked the walls.  Our men are hungry. Many are sick or withered from the winter.  We too suffer. 


We shall enter the city.  But let it be agreed upon that whichever leader can win the city, with or without the help of others, it shall be he who is given charge over it.


Do you not consider yourself bound by your oath to Byzantium?


They have withdrawn their troops and we suffer without aid in provisions.  What we take from now shall be ours to hold.  Do you agree?

The men consider it and reluctantly agree to Bohemond’s plan.


As the sun sets, BOHEMOND sneaks across the BRIDGE OF BOATS from the Christian camp toward the city walls.  With  him is TANCRED, a few KNIGHTS and also HAKOB at his side.


They approach a section of wall where the guarding Turk, FIRUZ, sees them and begins to panic.  Hakob yells up to him in a whisper.


Firuz! Firuz!  We mean you no harm.  We have come to speak with you. 

Firuz calms himself and shows interest in Hakob’s words.


Firuz, this is Prince Bohemond.  He is the leader of the Christian army. 


Firuz.  If you will aid us in entering the city, I will make you a wealthy lord. 


Has your governor offered you this, Firuz?  Has he offered you anything besides the watch upon the wall?

There is silence as it seems like Firuz is dismissing them, until he finally speaks.


I will be a wealthy lord?


Yes.  I will make you a lieutenant if you so desire it.


I desire to command a garrison.  And wealth.


You shall have it, if you carry out a plan to open your gate to us in three nights.


Yes, I will open it.

Bohemond speaks Tancred quietly.


The other leaders cannot know of this arrangement but we must convince them to strike at all the gates at once.


Three nights later,  a contingent of KNIGHTS and FOOT SOLDIERS follow BOHEMOND, TANCRED, and HAKOB quietly across the BRIDGE OF BOATS towards the walls of the city.  MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD, still weary from sickness, are among the foot soldiers ready to enter the gate.  The sounds of battle can be heard from a distance as the other Christian armies attack the other gates. 


Why are we not attacking?  The others are attacking their gates.  Can you not hear? 


Hold brother.


I think we have seen this trick before from the Byzantine fleet at Nicea.


It is now known that the lake gate was simply opened to them.  Are you saying we shall take this one without a fight?

FIRUZ, from upon the wall, observes the assembled men below with some concern.  HAKOB whistles to him.  Firuz sees Hakob below standing with Bohemond and the small contingent of knights. 


Firuz, open the gates.


No.  Not now.  You number too few.  You cannot take the city with this number.  I’ll be caught and punished.  Go away!



Hakob’s cries are of no use as Firuz retreats into the tower. 

Bohemond calls back to the footsoldiers.


Bring up the ladder.

Two of Bohemond’s KNIGHTS come from the rear with a LADDER made from wood and rope.  The knights pass Bernard, Oddo, and Mederic as they reach the wall and push the ladder up against it.


What happened to opening the gates?

Other men begin to balk at the task of taking the city with just one ladder.  Bohemond sees this and pushes through the men to the ladder and begins to climb it. 


By God’s favor, Antioch will this night be yielded to us.

With Tancred and his knights behind him, Bohemond ascends the ladder. 


BOHEMOND steps from the ladder onto the wall of Antioch where he finds no enemy soldiers.  He, TANCRED and the SOLDIERS lining up behind him make their way quietly to the tower where after entering it, they drag FIRUZ out.


Open the gates Firuz.  We are attacking on all sides.


The CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS continue to climb the LADDER as MEDERIC reaches within a few men of it and looks up.  Mederic coughs.  ODDO pats Mederic on the back.


By God’s favor, Mederic, we shall enter the city tonight.

From above they hear the sound of CRACKING as the ladder breaks and the men on it come tumbling down, falling on the men beneath them.  Mederic, Oddo, and BERNARD stand just outside the pile of groaning men and broken ladder pieces. 


But not by this ladder. 


Look, the gate.

A low WHISTLE is heard before the huge wooden GATE begins to open in front of them. 

Instinctively the men hold up their shields but see no garrison behind the open gate.  Bohemond’s voice booms from atop the wall to the men below. 


God wills it!  The city is ours!

Bohemond’s red BANNER is raised on the tower. 

Bohemond’s HORN blows as the men rush unopposed into the city. 


Dawn lights the dark streets as the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS cut through any TURKISH GARRISON that they can find. 

The Christians open the remaining gates allowing GODFREY, RAYMOND, and the whole of the CHRISTIAN ARMY to flood into the city. 

BOHEMOND and his SOLDIERS pursue the TURKISH GARRISON through the city, slaying many, and pushing them back to the CITADEL, which is situated on the mountain still inside the city walls. 


As they reach the Citadel, the TURKISH GARRISON lock themselves and the remaining city food stores inside. 

BOHEMOND and his SOLDIERS attempt to break down the door as arrows are fired down on them from the citadel windows.



Meanwhile some CHRISTIAN MEN, notably those poor criminals in the army, maddened by hunger and adrenalized by battle, tear through the streets of the city, slaying every Turk they can find, even CITIZENS.  Groups and individuals occupy the squares and ransacked apartment stoops. 

Some TURKS attempt to hide on the roofs but are pursued then thrown from them.


YAGHI-SIYAN attempts to escape with a small group of TURKISH SOLDIERS and baggage train of CAMELS but they are quickly pounced upon by a group of CHRISTIANS who carefully slay the Turkish Soldiers while leaving the horses and camels alive.


Some CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS carefully enter the deserted mosques expecting to find temples to the anti-christ, but inside they find nothing but burnt out candles and koran stands.  They leave those places and return to the streets where the pillaging and celebration continues.


Later that afternoon, MELIEE, ARTALD, ELENA, and HAKOB cautiously walk into the city gate and through the streets of Antioch.  They are shocked as they observe and walk through the aftermath of the sacking.  They step over DEAD BODIES as CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS emerge from street side dwellings with arms full of a rug or silks or chest.  They walk by CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS singing the streets as they come upon MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD who are returning from the citadel. 


Meliee runs to Mederic and assesses him for injuries which he has none.  Elena is happy to see both brothers. 

Meliee indicates the dead bodies that litter the streets.


Husband, have you done this?


Nay wife.  I have slain no man in this place.


With Bohemond’s men, we pressed the garrison back to the citadel which they hold in safety.  Neither have I killed a man here.


Nor I.

Nearby ADHEMAR and RAYMOND ride through the streets with their horses too, stepping over dead bodies.  Adhemar covers his face at the smell and sight.


What demons hath done this destruction?  Surely not the pious lot we have journeyed here with.  The Lord will punish us.


It is perhaps His previous punishments that drove the men to such madness. 


It is also true that they knew not what was within these walls but truly thought them devils needing to be slain.  But this revelry surrounding it does trouble me and I fear we shall suffer for it.

BOHEMOND, TANCRED, and a small group of KNIGHTS meet Adhemar and Raymond in the street.


Their garrison still holds the citadel.


Then the city is not taken.  What good is the city with the enemy inside it, Bohemond?


It is an impregnable city. 


In which we are threatened inside by a strong garrison and from without by a massive army of them.  We shall be besieged and cut off from the sea in a city with no provisions beyond what these men now gorge up on.  What are we going to do when this field is full of an enemy army?

The men look out onto the empty field.



Days later, on the walls, BOHEMOND, RAYMOND, and GODFREY observe the massive CAMP of TURKISH SOLDIERS which fully encircles the walls of the city.  The Turkish camp is rich and colorful with ornate pavilion tents.  The Christians nobles observe groups of TURKISH SOLDIERS patrolling the exterior of the walls. 


Well Bohemond of Antioch, what do we do now?  Are we safe inside your impregnable city between this vast army and the garrison in the Citadel, without a morsel of food to eat in the city and no way to leave it?


How many horses do we have between us?


At last count; a thousand.  Perhaps seven hundred are battle ready.


It is my suggestion that we call up our best knights that they should be mounted.  And with all others on foot we shall leave the gates and attack their army.


We will be destroyed.


If we remain behind these walls, we will be destroyed.  The warmer months are coming.  Their numbers will only increase.  It may be our only chance.


To meet them in open battle outside the walls?  What hope have we of defeating an army that size?  And with what will?  Our armies are weakened by sickness and hunger.  They will fight for Jerusalem.  But not for this.


Without defeating the force before us, we will not see Jerusalem.  Bohemond is right. We must ride out against them.


With what to drive our men?  They’ve threatened to tear down the walls if we do not proceed to Jerusalem.  They flee with ropes over the walls at night.

As he speaks, a KNIGHT approaches with a middle aged monk, PETER BARTHOLOMEW.  Bohemond beckons for them to come forward and speak.


Lords.  This man brings strange news.




My lords,  I have been witness to a prophecy. In a dream in which I felt more awake than now, I was visited by Saint Andrew who showed me to the Church of St. Peter here in Antioch.  There he did lift up the floor of the church and show unto me the spear that pierced the side of our Lord as he hung upon the cross.  It was instructed upon me that if we dig beneath the altar, we shall find this holy relic.

The Christian leaders stand stunned by the story, disseminating the truth of it in their minds. 


Days later the Christian leaders are gathered in the Church of St. Peter where they stand over a hole being excavated.  Dirt flies out of the hole onto piles.  RAYMOND stands with ADHEMAR, GODFREY, BOHEMOND, TANCRED, and PETER BARTHOLOMEW, as SIX OTHER MEN work inside the hole shoveling. 


They will find nothing in this hole.  They have been digging all day.


Of which group of rabble did this Peter character come from?


Lords, it is not of us to judge those who come as God’s messengers.


Do you believe they will find this relic then?

Godfrey kneels down to the hole catching the attention of one of the shoveling men who shakes his head.


Thus far they have found nothing but dirt.

Peter Bartholomew suddenly has an outburst.


Lords, let me into the hole.  Allow me to dig.

As the Christian leaders raise their eyebrows to one another, Peter jumps into the hole. Dirt comes flying out after him as he feverishly shovels.  Suddenly there is quiet and all wait as Peter emerges from the hole.  To their surprise he wields a rusty SPEAR HEAD.


It is the spear that the Saint foretold.  It is the spear that hath pierced our Lord’s side.

Bohemond and Tancred look skeptically at one another.  Adhmear whispers as Raymond bellows.


It cannot be.


It is the spear of destiny!  The lance of Longinus!  Open the doors.

The door to the church is opened revealing a large group of CHRISTIANS waiting outside. 


PETER steps out of the church and holds the SPEAR HEAD up high for the CROWD.


Behold good Christians, it is the lance that hath pierced Christ’s side!  By miracle and prophetic dreams, we have found it buried here beneath this church. 

Murmurs come from the crowd.


It is true.  It is the lance of Longinus.  God has willed us to find it that we may have the strength to face those enemies outside these walls.  Good Christians, God wills it!

The crowd grows in fervor with Raymond’s words.  They push in to see the spear.


God wills it!


Across the river, the Sultan KERBOGA sits in splendid armor with his EMIRS in his decorated pavilion tent.  A TURKISH SCOUT steps before Kerboga and places a RUSTY SWORD, BROKEN BOW, and worthless SPEAR HEAD on the ground. 



We have seized upon a small squad of Christians descending from the walls on ropes and confiscated these weapons. 


These are the warlike and shining arms which the Christians have brought forth to do battle with us?

Kerboga laughs at the miserable display.

KERBOGA (Cont’d)

(Speaking to someone else)

And what message do you bring from the invaders?

Also standing in front of Kerboga is HAKOB with a few of BOHEMOND’S KNIGHTS. 


Our leaders wish to know why you have rashly and most haughtily entered their land, the land of the Christians?  We think and believe that you have come because you wish to become Christians.

Kerboga and his Emirs laugh at this.


Or have you come for the sake of harassing the Christians in every way?  Our leaders then ask you to quickly leave the land of God and the Christians which was long ago, by the blessed Peter the apostle converted to the worship of Christ.  You are free to take away your belongings and animals.


Your God and your Christianity, we neither seek nor desire and we spurn them absolutely.  We have come to marvel at why your princes and nobles call this land theirs when we have conquered it from an effeminate people.  Go back and tell your leaders that if they wish to become Turks in every way then we will make them knights.


This they will not accept.  The leaders then bid you to send out a number of your choosing 1, 20, or 50, of your men of great valor to do battle with their men of the same number.

KERBOGA looks once again at the broken weapons on the ground.


No.  I will not meet this demand.  Let the whole of their army come out.  And those who we do not slay, those inside the city, they will be led away in chains to serve us and our children in perpetual captivity.

Kergoba dismisses Hakob and the Christian knights.


Days later the CHRISTIAN ARMY is assembled in contingents behind the gates of Antioch.  MELIEE, ELENA, ARTALD and HAKOB watch with other LAYPEOPLE from atop the wall as the TURKISH ARMY is also assembled across the river and waiting for the Christians.


Within the contingent of Bohemond’s FOOT SOLDIERS are MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD.  Like most of the other men, they still look sick but they are fully armored.  With their gaunt faces and tattered and dirty clothes, they resemble an army of the dead.  Behind them are Bohemond’s KNIGHTS, most of whom are on HORSES but some ride on CAMELS and OXEN.  Ahead of them, a new BANNER is held up before the army.  It is white with the HOLY LANCE stitched to it. 


Do you believe in the lance, Mederic?


I believe in the Lord.  That is all I need to believe.


Then you must believe the path to Jerusalem is just beyond this army?


Jerusalem or death.


We will not die today, brothers.  Like the man who found the spear, I too have been visited in my dreams but by our Lord.  He has promised victory to us and to aid us in battle.

Mederic and Oddo show concern over Bernard’s statements, but before they can speak, a CAMEL nudges Bernard.  Mounted on the camel is Bohemond’s knight, PAIN.  Pain notices Bernard.


Aye, you’re the fool from the ambush.  Where is your Turk sword?


I lost it in the mountains.


Aye.  I lost my horse in the mountains.  I have seen you since.  You fight well.  Aye, if I fall today fool, my sword is yours.

Before Bernard can speak, a HORN sounds and the gate begins to open.  The organized forces of the massive TURKISH ARMY are visible. From the walls above the lay people make and hold signs of the cross, blessing the Christian army as they pass out of the gates.



Across the river, KERBOGA and his EMIRS sit atop a slender arabian HORSES with the entire massive TURKISH ARMY behind them including MOUNTED ARCHERS, INFANTRY,and ARMORED CALVARY.  They observe as the CHRISIAN ARMY begins to emerge from the city.


Shall we attack?


No.  Let them all come out first.  Then we can be sure to slay them all and leave no force of theirs to carry on defense of the city. 


Another Christian HORN sounds, then another contingent of  FOOT SOLDIERS and KNIGHTS emerges followed by another HORN and another CONTINGENT led by GODFREY, then RAYMOND’S ARMY, then ADHEMAR’S KNIGHTS.  Finally BOHEMOND’s column of KNIGHTS and FOOT SOLDIERS emerge from the gate. 

MEDERIC looks back as the gate closes behind them. 


From the walls, MELIEE notices MEDERIC by his faded hood in the formation of FOOT SOLDIERS.  She points them out to ELENA.


They continue to watch as the CHRISTIAN ARMY with tattered clothes and armor, mounted on various beasts, gaunt and sick, march into formation outside the walls. 


With the CHRISTIAN ARMY now fully assembled, the gate shuts. 

KERBOGA begins to question his previous decision in speaking to one of his EMIRS.


Perhaps we should agree to their terms and select 50 warriors to match theirs.


It is too late.  They will no longer agree to this. 


Then we must attack.  Send the mounted archers.

Kerboga’s Emir nods to a TURKISH SOLDIER who gallops down the line of TURKISH ARCHERS.


Within moments a small force of Kerboga’s mounted archers gallops towards the Christian lines, firing arrows as they ride.


The first group of Christian FOOT SOLDIERS immediately forms a shield wall, accepting the arrows in their shields while CROSSBOWMEN repel the Turkish riders.   Behind them the lines of Christians begin to advance in formation.

Kerboga observes the counter to his archers and the formidable size and cohesion of the Christian army and begins to show fear.  He speaks to his Emir again.


Tell our leaders, if they see a flame at the head of our army, sound the horn as we are in retreat.  For now, move the main forces back and bring forth their advance.  Send a large party so as to encircle them as they advance against us.

The Emir quickly rides off, relaying Kerboga’s orders to the Turkish forces.


Kerboga’s MAIN ARMY begins a slow retreat as another unit of HORSE ARCHERS and TURKISH INFANTRY is dispatched along the river.

As the Turkish army retreats into the mountains little by little so too does the Christian army advance against it little by little. 

Kergoba’s plan begins to take deadly effect as the dispatched force of MOUNTED ARCHERS and CAVALRY begins harassing the Christians from the side, firing arrows and dropping foot soldiers and knights. 

MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD, move slowly inside the formation of foot soldiers as frequent arrows zip by and stick into their shields.  The men outside of them begin to fall to the arrow fire.  They can see as the main body of the Turkish army continues their slow retreat.


Are they retreating?


They are surrounding us.  We shall be slain.

An ARROW whizzes through the air and lands with a thud in the rear of Mederic’s shoulder.  Oddo looks with wide eyes as the shaft sticks into the air.  Mederic, still standing, takes a moment then moves his arm in a circle.


It did not go through.

Oddo pulls the arrow out, observes that it is clean and chucks it away.


Good armor.  Good Gambeson.


Brothers, we shall not die today.  Behold, it is the army of Christ himself.

Bernard points to a mysterious CONTINGENT OF WHITE RIDERS descending from the mountain.  The riders wear white and carry a plain white standard.  Even their HORSES are white.  They smash into the flanking force of Turks slaying and dispersing them. 


From atop the wall, the MELIEE, ELENA, ARTALD, and HAKOB observe the distant battle intently.


Who is this force riding down from the mountains?


Perhaps they are Armenians.


No, they are not Armenians.


It is an army of angels.  They are aiding them in battle.


The leaders of the Christians, BOHEMOND, GODFREY, RAYMOND, and ADHEMAR also behold the WHITE RIDERS attacking the TURKS and collectively order a MASS CHARGE from their ARMIES. 

As a force together, the entire Christian army begins a full charge with FOOT SOLDIERS running, KNIGHTS galloping on skinny HORSES, and some mounted on CAMELS and OXEN. 

As the Christians ride toward them, the TURKISH ARMY begins fleeing. 

A TURKISH RIDER sets FIRE to a line of brush hoping to slow the Christian charge.  The smoke hides the mysterious white riders but the sound of clashing steel is heard. 


We will fight through the fires of hell!  God is with us!


God wills it!


God wills it!

The call echoes through the Christian army as the soldiers push through the smoke and fire and begin to catch up with the fleeing Turks. 


ADHEMAR finds himself at the head of his KNIGHTS inside the smokey, flaming landscape.  The scenery is too hellish to dismiss and even more so as TURKISH HORSE ARCHERS sporadically appear riding through the smoke, firing arrows, then disappearing.


What is this hell?

Adhemar is suddenly struck by an ARROW in his upper shoulder.  He nearly topples from his saddle but is held up by his new BANNERMAN. 

With the arrow still in his shoulder and weakening, he continues to lead his men on as they reach the Turks.  There his knights engage the Turkish cavalry with their swords and send many more fleeing 

KERBOGA sees the fire and his soldiers fleeing. 


That fire is not my sign.  No retreat.  Advance.  Attack!

Kerboga’s EMIR repeats his call. 

The main body of the Turks begins a charge toward the advancing Christians.  Their advance is stalled as the charge runs into their own retreating Turkish soldiers.  The panic and confusion sends the Turkish army into a disorganized flurry.

BOHEMOND and his mounted KNIGHTS reach the mess and pound into the stalled Turks.  The Christian foot soldiers, including MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD join the melee where they work together pulling down the Turkish riders from their horses and running them through with sword and spears.


Now it is time.  Retreat.  Sound the horn.

The Christians hear the TURKISH HORN sounding the call of retreat then watch as Kergoba and thousands of horsemen flee the field.  The Christian men celebrate on the field, revived by their victory.


A cheer rises from the LAY PEOPLE on top of the walls as they hear the Turkish retreat.


We have won.


It is another miracle.


Truly, God is with this Army.


ELENA hugs MELIEE.  ARTALD and HAKOB celebrate with the others on the wall. 



At the CITADEL, the TURKISH GARRISON surrenders to BOHEMOND’S KNIGHTS.  Bohemond’s banner is unfurled upon the Citadel.


Later that day, the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS return to the city where they are met by the LAY PEOPLE emerging from the gate. 

MEDERIC leads an arabian HORSE with ODDO and BERNARD beside him.  They are greeted by MELIEE, ARTALD, HAKOB, and ELENA.  Mederic hands the lead of the horse to Artald.


What’s this?


He is yours.  The spoils of battle.


You’re giving me this horse?


Aye.  He is young.  You can even ride him.

Artald looks over the horse, already falling in love with him.


He is a good horse.  An Arabian.


You can convert him.

Artald laughs while graciously petting the horse.

PAIN rides nearby the group with TANCRED.  PAIN is now mounted on a similar Arabian HORSE and leading his CAMEL.  Pain slows and addresses Bernard.


Aye, fool.  You live.


Aye.  God wills it.


Aye.  He wills that I should live too.  So you cannot have my sword.


I have learned there is more to war than swords, lord.


Aye.  There is.  Maybe you are not such a fool.

Tancred looks over the men and their armor.


Pain, are these men in our army? 


Yes, Lord Tancred.  We are from France and came with Count Raymond. 


We joined with you and Prince Bohemond after Nicea.


Aye, they were in the shield wall at the ambush.

Pain winks at Bernard.


And they fight well?


Aye, Lord Tancred.


We have lost many knights and now have an abundance of horses from the Turks.  See to it they are properly outfitted as mounted soldiers. 

Bernard is elated.  Mederic and Oddo nod to the Christian leader.  Tancred pulls at his reins and begins to ride away.


Aye, come with us, you three.  It looks like you may get a sword after all, fool.

Bernard runs to catch up with the knights on horses.  Oddo hustles after him. 

Meliee squeezes Mederic’s hand then pushes him toward them.  Mederic stops and shows her his shoulder where the maille is pierced.


Were it not for the thickness of the garment you made for me, I may have met my end.

Meliee kisses Mederic and again pushes him to join the others. 


And what are we supposed to do?


Let’s go see what the turkish tents have to offer.  We can load up my new horse. 


MELIEE, ELENA, HAKOB and ARTALD leave the city gate and walk into the abandoned Turkish camp where other CHRISTIANS are already going in and out of the TENTS and carrying armfulls of the lavish PLUNDER.  Others are leading small caravans of animals; CAMELS, HORSES, SHEEP, and GOATS.


Days later, a single church BELL rings slowly as MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD ride on HORSES and enter through the open gate of the city returning from patrol duty.  They look healthy and are all three fully armored and outfitted with maille shirts, swords at their waste, nasal helms, spears and spurs.  Bernard rests his hand proudly on the pommel of the knightly sword on his hip. 

They dismount as they are greeted by a somber MELIEE, ARTALD, ELENA, and HAKOB.


The Bishop Adhemar has died.


A WOODEN CASKET containing ADHEMAR is lowered down into the open hole that was dug to find the Holy Lance.


After the casket is set, the Christian leaders, RAYMOND, GODFREY, BOHEMOND, and TANCRED each begin to shovel dirt into the hole burying the casket.


MEDERIC, MELIEE, ARTALD, ODDO, BERNARD, ELENA, and HAKOB walk together to the church where outside many LAY PEOPLE, MONKS, and KNIGHTS are gathered.  Adhemar’s BANNER hangs from the wall. 


How can this disaster now befall this lot?


That is not all, his army and another from France now depart.


They desert, now?  The dogs.


Your lord Bohemond has also stated that he will not be traveling on to Jerusalem.


What is this?! 


I have heard the same.  He intends to reign over these lands with this city as his capital.  He may send aid but he does not intend to join in the assault on Jerusalem.


(to Bernard)

Will you stay in Antioch?  As knights of Prince Bohemond?

The men consider their apparent choice to remain as knights there or to carry on to Jerusalem.  Bernard is furious.

PAIN, mounted on HORSE, approaches them.


(to Bernard)

Will you be joining in the march to Jerusalem then?

Oddo speaks for Bernard who is holding back his anger.


We have heard Prince Bohemond does not intend to march to Jerusalem.


Aye.  That’s true.

Bernard can no longer contain his anger.


Why does Bohemond stay behind?


It is a man like him that is needed to govern this city and hold these lands.  It is just as Godfrey’s brother Baldwin has taken the lands of Edessa further North.  We Christians now hold all the land from here to Byzantium. 


I came for Jerusalem.


I too.  It is our desire to see the task through.




Aye.  Then I shall expect you when we ride out.  Bohemond remains in Antioch, but his nephew Tancred goes on to Jerusalem.  Our army is still strong.  Godfrey too is still with us.  We will follow behind Count Raymond who is sure to make a show of his departure. 


Days later RAYMOND leads his knights BAREFOOT out of the gates of Antioch.  He holds the LANCE BANNER high over his head.  Behind him, FOOT SOLDIERS lead HORSES and are followed by the usual line of the Christian caravan including GODFREY’S ARMY then TANCRED’S ARMY.  BOHEMOND watches them from atop the wall.


BERNARD and ODDO ride their HORSES while MELIEE and ELENA are together mounted on Mederic’s HORSE.  MEDERIC walks along with HAKOB and ARTALD, who leads his HORSE who is loaded with supplies. 


The CHRISTIAN CARAVAN travels on a route near the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. 

They near the CITY of Tripoli where MERCHANTS and gracious LOCALS, mesmerized by this army of Christ, come out to meet them. 

BERNARD leads his HORSE while ELENA rides. Beside them, ODDO, ARTALD, HAKOB, MEDERIC and MELIEE walk with their HORSES.


Do they not fear us?


They view you as liberators.


That or they just want us to get on to Jerusalem without sacking their city.


Where are the soldiers defending these places?


They do fear the great army of Christ which has in it’s command angels and has defeated the invincible forces of Kergoba.  They have surely fled.


We must be near to Jerusalem, then?

Artald laughs.


It is still a long way.



For weeks, the CARAVAN continues on, trudging across the lands of Israel under the hot summer sun.


Finally the weary but hardened Christians behold the object of their quest; the Holy City of JERUSALEM.

TITLE CARD:  “Jerusalem.  June, 1099.)

MEDERIC, MELIEE, ARTALD, ODDO, BERNARD, ELENA, and HAKOB crest MOUNT JOY and view the city.  The CHRISTIANS that have arrived ahead of them are already celebrating the sight of the city.  Banners are flying.  People are singing.  Men and women kneel and pray, lamenting and praising the three thousand miles and three years of hardships they have endured.  Bernard can barely believe his eyes as he gazes at the towers, minarets, and domes sticking up above the tan stone walls. 


Jerusalem, brother.


(breaking the moment)

Aye.  She is beautiful.  But she’ll be hard to take.


The next day, KNIGHTS and FOOT SOLDIERS are constructing large LADDERS.  MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD are working on a section of a ladder, setting the rung into the hole and lashing it with rope.

They see that they are watched by ARAB SOLDIERS on the walls of the city.


More ladders.


Aye.  But at least you know this one’s built well.


Do you think we can breach the wall with just these few ladders?


Our leaders do.  Though it will be us climbing up them. 

(to Bernard)

Lash your end good there Bernard.  Bernard?

Bernard is no longer looking at Jerusalem but instead stares at ELENA who is standing at the edge of camp watching the men work.



If we had only one ladder, we could take the city.  I will be the first one to climb up it.


Brother, you will find death most certainly.


Nay brother.  We cannot die for we are already in heaven.


The next day, MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD stand fully armored and holding a LADDER behind a formation of FOOT SOLDIERS, ready to attack the wall. 

A HORN is blown and with a SHOUT, the soldiers sprint towards the wall.  They ignore the ARROWS that dart around them and stick in the ground.  From atop the wall, ARAB SOLDIERS fire arrows down at them. 

The Christians reach the wall and set the ladders against it.  Mederic and Oddo hold the ladder as Bernard draws his knightly sword and steps up.


We are here brothers.  This is Jerusalem!

Bernard rapidly climbs the ladder, reaching the top of the wall in seconds.  Oddo and Mederic watch as Bernard engages with the ARAB SOLDIERS by himself. 


BERNARD stands on top of the ladder, fighting with two ARAB SOLDIERS.  One Arab jabs at him with a SPEAR until Bernard grabs the spear handle and wrenches it out of his hands.  Bernard turns the spear around and stabs it through the Arab soldier.  Enthused SHOUTS arise from the CHRISTIAN KNIGHTS below as they witness this. 


KNIGHTS push through ODDO and MEDERIC and start climbing up the ladder.



On top the ladder, Bernard’s sword flashes as he fights with two more ARAB SOLDIERS who are furiously swinging at him with their curved SWORDS.  A KNIGHT climbs up the ladder next to Bernard and begins fighting alongside him.  Bernard turns to see that it is PAIN.  Together the two fiercely battle the growing number of ARAB SOLDIERS at their ladder.  Bernard and Pain recieve blows to their armor but continue to fight and slay ARAB SOLDIERS. 

Each one they slay is replaced by another so that they are unable to step onto the wall. 

Bernard parries a strike above his head but in doing so, he is struck in his side by an Arab’s SPEAR.  He cries out as another ARAB SOLDIER kicks him in the stomach sending him flying from the ladder. 


MEDERIC and ODDO see BERNARD falling from the ladder.


Oddo!  Catch him!

As Bernard falls, Oddo and Mederic position themselves underneath and catch him, dropping all three to the ground.  Bernard, still adrenalized, immediately jumps up and begins to climb up the ladder.  Oddo grabs him and rips him down.


Brother, you are wounded.


No, it was only my armor.

Bernard shows them his side.  Blood has soaked through on his white tunic and covers his hand.  Through the broken rings of his maille shirt, they can see he is deeply wounded. 


Let me go!  Today we take Jerusalem!

Mederic assists Oddo in holding Bernard back then holding him up as the severity of his injury begins to set in. 


It is not this day, Brother.  Another.


The ladders are not enough. 


From atop the ladders more CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS and KNIGHTS fall dead from the weapons of the Arab soldiers on the walls.  Others waiting on the ground are struck by huge STONES being thrown from the walls.  All of the Christian men begin to retreat. 

Mederic and Oddo carry Bernard under each of his arms as they are pelted from behind with rocks and stones.


This battle has ended.  We must get him back to camp.

Bernard groans as Oddo and Mederic carry him away from the battle.  Arrows sink into the ground at their heels.  Mederic looks back and sees the other Christian soldiers jumping from the ladders and fleeing but also PAIN, laying at the base of the wall, with a spear through his chest.  Pain is DEAD but smiling. 


MEDERIC and BERNARD carry the limp BERNARD back into their camp which is set up as usual.  Upon seeing them, ARTALD, MELIEE, and HAKOB rush to assist them.  ELENA holds back her tears then composes herself.


Is he okay?


Get his armor off and we’ll find out.


What got him?


A spear.

The group struggles to shake the maille shirt off Bernard.  They lay Bernard down on a cot and Artald looks into his wound.


This is a deep wound.  But it stopped at his rib.  See.

Artald points to the white inside the gore. 


Will he live?


If the wound is cleaned well, perhaps.  Aye.  He should live.

Bernard groans softly.  Elena holds a skin of water to his lips and pats his forehead.


And you could not breach the walls?


Nay.  It cannot be done with just ladders.  We will need real siege engines to do so and there is not enough wood here.


Days later, still at camp, MEDERIC and MELIEE are quietly talking.  ARTALD is attending to the HORSES.  ODDO is looking into the tent where ELENA is tending to the injured BERNARD inside.  HAKOB enters the encampment having come from elsewhere with a load of supplies and food.


It seems another miracle has befallen this army.


What is it?


A fleet of ships from Italy has landed on the coast.  They have brought provision for us.  Not


HAKOB (Cont’d)

only that, they have agreed to dismantle their ships so we can build proper siege engines.

GODFREY rides at the head of a line of CARTS carrying wood and calls out as he passes.


We need all carpenters and foot soldiers assembled to build siege engines.

Meliee smiles at Mederic as he gets up to go do the work.  As he walks by, Mederic pats Oddo on the shoulder, who then joins him as they walk towards the carts. 

Godfrey notices Mederic. 


You are a carpenter?


Aye, from France.


A God sent.  Come with us.

After they leave, Meliee shows signs of weariness.


Take heart, lady.  There is only one more battle.


It seems there is always one more battle.  Each one I say goodbye to my husband knowing he may not come back.  With each one my heart grows softer at the sorrows faced by this army. 

Meliee looks to the BERNARD’S TENT where ELENA is repairing Bernard’s maille armor with fabric while BERNARD rests beside her.  Meliee regains her composure.


One more battle. 



Days later, as the sun rises, the Christian camp is empty.

Every Christian, including the NOBLES, KNIGHTS, MONKS, SOLDIERS and LAY PEOPLE stand in a line facing the walls of the city.  They are clothed in simple tunics and all are BAREFOOTED. 

BERNARD too is in line, leaning on ELENA with a fabric bandage wrapped around his midsection.  A HORN sounds and the Christians begin to march around the city singing hymns and praying.


The ARAB SOLDIERS on the wall look on in confusion but then begin to mock the Christians.


The next day, the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS are once again gathered in front of the walls.  This time they are fully armored and a spectacle of men moving massive WOODEN TOWERS ON WHEELS toward the walls. 

One GROUP moves a TORTOISE style engine toward the gate with a BATTERING RAM. 

RAYMOND’s ARMY pushes a wooden SIEGE TOWER on wheels up to the wall. 

GODFREY and TANCRED’s MEN together push another wooden SIEGE TOWER on wheels covered in WET ANIMAL HIDES across the dirt before the walls. 


The ARAB GARRISON works frantically on the walls to repel the incoming assault.  Some ARAB SOLDIERS shoot ARROWS, others throw ROCKS, and others throw FLAMING OIL SKINS at the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS and the SIEGE ENGINES. 


RAYMOND and his SOLDIERS reach the walls with their WOODEN TOWER where it is bombarded with FLAMING OIL SKINS and catches on FIRE.  The men pushing it abandon it as it burns.


Back at camp, BERNARD stirs at the sound of BATTLE.  ELENA is still next to him repairing his armor.


Where is my sword?


It is here, my lord.


That is my armor?


Yes.  I have repaired it for you.  Though only with fabric since we haven’t the tools for maille work.

Bernard looks it over and sees that it is repaired well with layers of fabric.


It is repaired well.  Thank you.  Will you help me into it?


MELIEE, ARTALD, and HAKOB watch as ELENA carefully helps the injured BERNARD into his maille shirt.  He winces slightly as she girds the sword belt tightly around his waist.  Bernard steps out of the tent. 


Strap a shield to me.

Artald picks up a shield and straps it to Bernard’s arm. 


The others have gone with Godfrey’s siege tower and are attacking at the nearest gate.

Bernard nods then looks to Elena.  Elena sighs with admiration as Bernard walks off to battle.


Meanwhile outside the wall, MEDERIC and ODDO push at the wheel of the SIEGE TOWER with other FOOT SOLDIERS and KNIGHTS.  Arrows and rocks rain down on them as they reach the wall and set the tower into place.  The FLAMING OIL SKINS thrown from the wall bounce off the ANIMAL HIDES covering the tower and fall to the ground setting fires around the men. 

Mederic and Oddo get behind the siege tower with GODFREY and his KNIGHTS.  In the rear of the tower is a sloped LADDER leading up to the PLATFORM. 


Valiant Christians, it is today that Jerusalem shall be yielded to us!  It is here upon this wall that we will win the city!

With Godfrey in the lead carrying his crossbow, he and the knights begin climbing the ladder.

Mederic and Oddo reach their turn at the base of the ladder.


Another ladder.


Aye.  I prefer when the gates miraculously open up.


(off screen)

Brothers, should we go up and join the battle?

Both Oddo and Mederic are surprised but pleased to see BERNARD joining them in the battle.


The ARAB SOLDIERS on the wall continue to attack the WOODEN SIEGE TOWER while the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS fill into it.  The Arab soldiers throw boulders at it and hack at it with their weapons.  They jab their spears through openings in the wood.


On the upper platform of the wooden SIEGE TOWER, the weight of the men and bombardment loosen a section of the frame.  GODFREY grabs the pieces and holds the detached wood joint together, while KNIGHTS shield themselves from barrage from the ARAB SOLDIERS.  An ARAB SOLDIER tosses a FLAMING SKIN inside the tower causing FLAMES to go up around them.


Get the carpenter up here!


ODDO and BERNARD look at MEDERIC, having heard Godfrey’s call for a carpenter.


God wills it.


It seems so.

Mederic accepts his fate and charges up the ladder of the burning siege tower. 


(to Bernard)

You have the strength brother?


I have God.  God wills it!


God wills it!

Oddo and Bernard draw their SWORDS and climb up behind Mederic.


MEDERIC reaches the platform which is on FIRE, where he finds GODFREY holding together a corner WOOD JOINT.  Mederic resets the wood joint and straps it together, repairing the tower and freeing up Godfrey.


Open the bridge!



THE ARAB SOLDIERS on the wall now watch in fear as the siege tower BRIDGE is opened.


GODFREY, surrounded by KNIGHTS, MEDERIC, BERNARD, and ODDO stand on the burning platform just a few feet away from the wall and ready to jump.


Have faith in God, men!  The city is ours! 

From the smoking, flaming tower, Godfrey fires his crossbow then leaps across to the wall.  Bernard follows him with the knights and Oddo and Mederic behind them.



Now on top the walls of Jerusalem, GODFREY, his KNIGHTS, MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD all engage in tight hand to hand combat with the ARAB SOLDIERS.  The Christian men overpower each of their weaker Arab counterparts sending the other Arab soldiers fleeing and jumping from the walls.  More CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS jump to the wall from the burning SIEGE TOWER filling the wall with Christians. 

Godfrey holds his sword high as the CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS find stairs and reach the ground inside the city. 


The gates of the city are opened allowing more waiting CHRISTIAN FOOT SOLDIERS to swarm into the city and chase after the fleeing ARAB SOLDIERS.


Hours later, MELIEE, ARTALD, ELENA, and HAKOB cautiously enter the city gates expecting to see similar horrors as in the aftermath of Antioch.  Instead they find pious looking soldiers, some with stains of blood on their dirty white tunics and armor, praying and standing in humble reverence on the streets of the Holy City.


MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD, all with swords now sheathed approach them.  Meliee rushes to hug Mederic.  Elena hugs Bernard.  Artald and Hakob beam with admiration at the warriors.


The warriors of Christ.  They live.


Aye.  They do.  And they have taken the Holy City. 


Where are the dead?  We did expect to see them strewn about the streets as in Antioch.


They have restricted the slaughter of the garrison to the temple grounds.


Then it seems you have attained the object of our desire.  All of Europe will be celebrating what you have done here.


Aye.  What we all have done. 


Aye, he speaks the truth.  This is the army of Christ.


Days later, MELIEE, dressed in fine silk, is touring through the streets of Jerusalem, touching the stones of the buildings and cherishing her steps.  She listens to BELLS as she begins to sing along with a hymn. 


(Off Screen)

How are you finding the Holy City, my wife.  Is it to your liking?

She spins to find MEDERIC standing before her and looking clean and more knightly than ever.  He is armored with a fresh surcoat emblazoned with the new coat of arms for Jerusalem; one large cross with four others surrounding it.  He still wears his carpenter’s HOOD.


I find it small and dustier than I had imagined.  But it is no less Holy.  I feel reverence with every step on these streets where our Lord did walk.


But it is not your desire to stay.


If it is your desire, husband, then it is mine.  But in truth,  I long for the green countryside and towns of our home in France.  Do you now consider your oath to the expedition fulfilled?  You have answered the Pope’s call and a safe path for pilgrims is open.  Jerusalem is in Christian hands.  But what am I asking?  I can see you are a knight in Christ’s army now.

Mederic considers what she has said while looking at his new life; the armor, regalia, sword, and then the buildings of Jerusalem.  Meliee leaves Mederic to his thoughts and begins softly singing again.

A small group led by two KNIGHTS approaches them.  As they near, they see it is ODDO and BERNARD.  Bernard is holding ELENA’s hand while HAKOB walks next to her acting somewhat fretful.


We have news.


Elena and I are betrothed.  To be wed.

Hakob says nothing, but he is obviously both upset and proud of this news.


(nudging Mederic)

His Jerusalem princess.

Meliee hugs Elena while Mederic and ARTALD congratulate Bernard.


That is not all.  A vast army has been assembled by the sultan of Egypt.  Thirty thousand men now march on us here in Jerusalem. 

The hardened but weary group steady themselves after hearing this.


The leaders have agreed to ride out against them and surprise them with an open field battle.


One more battle.


Years later, a HOODED MAN, sits on the PLATFORM behind the CATHEDRAL in Clermont, France.  Next to him is an old ARABIAN HORSE.  He looks out into the field where TWO BOYS,aged about 10 and 8, are playing.  The boys notice the man watching them and run over to him.

TITLE CARD:  “Clermont, France.  Twenty years later.”


Will you tell us about the Crusade and the city of Jerusalem?


It is not just a city.  It is a kingdom.


Tell us about when the knights rolled a flaming tower up to the walls and jumped over and slayed the saracen guards.

The YOUNGER BOY climbs up onto the platform and jumps off of it, imitating the warriors of his story.


Did you really do that?


Aye.  We did.


(off screen)

Bernard!  Oddo!

The boys look up.

A woman steps out into the field.  We see that it is MELIEE.  Decades have passed but she has hardly aged.  She is still beautiful and rugged.


Leave your father with me.  You two go play.


But mother--

Meliee shoots him a stern look which causes the boys to run off into the field, fighting invisible Saracen as they go.  She sits down next to the old man who pulls his hood back revealing himself to be MEDERIC. 


I don’t mind.


You’ll stir yourself up with your stories and soon enough we’ll find ourselves climbing through the mountains on the way to Antioch.



The tone of his word tells of their hardships there.


And Jerusalem.

She speaks with the tone of romance as they remember their friends including moments after the fall of Jerusalem; 


BERNARD and ELENA are being wed by a PRIEST on the steps of a CHURCH while ODDO, HAKOB, MELIEE, MEDERIC, and ARTALD stand with them.


MEDERIC, ODDO, and BERNARD, who now ride as mounted KNIGHTS with the CHRISTIAN ARMY, charge into a line of EGYPTIAN CALVARY.  The Christians pursue the Egyptians as they retreat. 


With a gesture to her stomach, MELIEE indicates to MEDERIC that she is PREGNANT


RAYMOND leads his ARMY out of the gate and away from the city. 

On top of the wall is GODFREY, adorned royally, and the few KNIGHTS that remain to protect the new kingdom.  ODDO and BERNARD stand among them.  Next to Bernard stands, ELENA.  Beside them HAKOB and ARTALD. 

MELIEE and MEDERIC wave to them as they depart with Raymond’s army.



Do you think of them?


Aye.  Very often.


It’s like they are already in heaven, like saints, living amongst the Holy places and protecting them. 

Meliee sits down next to Mederic.  They sit in silence, remembering their friends.


We could go back.


It is a place of dreams for us now.  I do not expect we would return from the expedition.


Nor do I.

Meliee and Mederic watch the BOYS play fighting in the field.

Suddenly, a YOUNG MAN, who looks like Mederic runs behind the Cathedral. 


Mother.  Father.


Artald, what is it?


I come with news.  There are knights in town and they are recruiting for an expedition to Jerusalem.  It is my desire to go.